Bill DeShivs's Comments

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At 14:52 on December 7, 2021, Jan Carter said…

Happy Birthday Bill

At 19:33 on December 8, 2020, Jan Carter said…

Happy Birthday Bill!

At 8:55 on December 10, 2018, Ken Ulrich said…

I read somewhere that you work on old Schrade autos. I have a large Schrade Walden with bone handles. The spring works well but blade does not lock up and the lock tab is missing in the handle. The slide lock itself still functions but the "L" tab is gone. Is this something you can tackle?


Ken Ulrich

At 18:59 on December 8, 2017, Jan Carter said…

At 14:11 on December 8, 2017, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 10:50 on December 8, 2016, Jan Carter said…

At 18:42 on December 3, 2016, Michael E. Roper said…

Hello Bill,

This is Michael Roper. Jan Carter said to contact you about possible repairs to a Hubertus tab release automatic knife. That's probably not the proper way to describe it but I'll learn.

I acquired the knife in a trade and it was needing help. I have a bunch of pictures if you would look at them and give me some idea if it's worth fixing.


Michael Roper    "michaeleroper@comcast.net"

At 13:32 on December 8, 2014, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 10:39 on December 8, 2013, Max McGruder said…

Happy Birthday!

At 4:46 on December 8, 2013, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

At 3:56 on December 8, 2013, Ron Cooper said…

At 2:52 on December 8, 2012, Bill DeShivs said…

Why, thanks everybody!

Bill DeShivs

At 2:36 on December 8, 2012, Ron Cooper said…

At 19:57 on December 8, 2011, Jan Carter said…

Happy Birthday

At 0:26 on December 8, 2010, Gerald Hines said…
Happy Birthday.
At 14:17 on December 8, 2009,
In Memoriam
Scott King
Hey Bill- just dropped by to wish you a Happy Birthday!
At 8:09 on December 8, 2009, Randy, HHH Knives said…
Bill, Happy Birthday. And many moooooore!

At 16:42 on September 9, 2009, Alex K. said…
Great to have you here young fella! We could always use the wealth of information you possess about some of these mechanical beasties.
At 23:42 on September 5, 2009, Bill DeShivs said…
I'm not exactly a PC-type guy!
Brand new forum, and I get spam! Who'da thunkit?
At 23:14 on September 5, 2009, Trent Rock said…
Welcome Bill!!
Bill is a pretty well known guy in the switchblade world..Or is that UN-pc? I mean automatic cutlery world....;)

White River Knives

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