Member needs and prayer requests

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I don't think I can even begin to express the sadness as the news continues to come in from all the effected states and areas. We pray that all find peace and that the Lord walk beside those communities as they move forward.

Tornados are still a possibility in what is left of those storms so please stay safe ya'll

For all in Ca under Tsunami warning, please stay safe! If you, like us are in Izzy's way, stay warm, just be prepared and enjoy a Winter wonderland from the comfort of your homes. Good time for knife cleaning 😂

All good here, we had a 20" increase in water level at 7:58am PST during high tide, considering we get more than that during a King Tide this event caused no local issues that I have heard of. A crab fisherman friend of mine was selling fresh caught Blue Crab at the dock in Morro Bay at that time and said it was just an increased flow of water coming in and out at the entrance to the bay, but the fact that it happened with a series of tiny waves made it unusual. I looked down the street to the back bay dock near me and saw no effect at all. It has been unseasonably warm here so staying warm isn't a problem at the moment, and neither is a tsunami. We had a much higher flow in 2011 after the Japanese earthquake, so this really was a non event. Stay warm yourself Jan, I hear there is a big storm coming through your area, so please stay safe and warm yourself.

Regarding my above post here is a video of what happened in Morro Bay, looks like the sea otters were surprised, this was the outgoing tidal flow which usually isn't nearly as fast, kinda like a marine river.



Cold here but all is well. Stayed off the  desktop while the winds howled so much that the power flickered often but we never lost it and things all seem to be settled now. Melt starts tomorrow :)

In 1952 a knife produced a legend. Go with God Mel Perdue, you gave us your all and we will always cherish your designs and contributions. Our prayers are with the family and those who loved you.

Prayers for the family. RIP

It is not always someone directly involved with knives that changes the life of a new collector ot gives a collector that "awe".  Joe Wanenmacher held the largest gun show which expanded over the years to include knives. 7000 exhibitors! I have heard collectors say it is their destination of choice for the one big show they will ever be able to travel too.

We are sorry to hear of Mr. Wanenmacher passing this week. Our prayers are with his family and friends. Thank you for the memories you have given to collectors over the years

This is not my story to tell but I know our members will raise up a prayer even if we dont know the circumstances . So please lift a prayer for John Kellog and his family and Thank you!

I suppose at some point I have mentioned that this is my least favorite discussion on iKC. Generally, when I am here it is to say goodbye to a friend and member.  Russ was a lifelong entrepreneur, a member that surprised me when he joined because we lived in the same tiny town.  Always sparking new endeavors and business ventures with friends and family. He’s known by many because of his Anglesey Knives. His love of the water and his Christian ideals are imprinted on the Anglesey logo.

A giant among men in my opinion. He was known at iKC by his generosity of steel and time. To say he will be missed is an understatement.

Good thoughts and wishes! Hope all is well...

Jan Carter said:

This is not my story to tell but I know our members will raise up a prayer even if we dont know the circumstances . So please lift a prayer for John Kellog and his family and Thank you!

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