Hi, I have recently acquired a 14k Hand engraved Empire knife. I am trying to determine the value of it and its hallmarks. Any help is app

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Comment by Lars Ray on February 3, 2022 at 21:57

Lars...please. You already received your Welcome packet from Jan and greetings from JJ....we're good!

Well - for someone who can't figure out how to upload the photos, you did a great job! 

I echo Jan...I would get in touch Charlie. He'll serve you better with facts rather than logical guesswork. 

Looking forward to learning more about your treasure!

Comment by Jan Carter on February 3, 2022 at 21:14
The most knowledgeable person I know about Empire is Charlie Campagna. look him up here on iKC, under his pic is Send a Message. Be sure to let us know :)
Comment by Sandie B on February 3, 2022 at 19:48
Hello Mr. Ray,
Yes 14k gold front and back. I have clear photos of the Empire stamp on the tang and the hallmarks under the bail(?) It is numbered too there. It reminds me of a lady’s knife as it has two small blades and then a finger nail file. I would love to post the photos but I’m new to this forum and I can’t figure out how.
Comment by Lars Ray on February 3, 2022 at 18:43

Hi Sandie - Welcome to iKC! 

Just to clarify - you have a 14K [gold] hand engraved Empire knife...it's the gold I wanted to confirm. About the only knowledge I have on Empire is that it started from humble beginnings in 1852, then it grew into one of the largest in America by about 1918!

While I can state with absolute certainty that I can be of no further assistance than offering my little blurb, there are quite a few knowledgeable folks here....however - if you can, it would help them help you if you could post some photos of your knife. The clearer the better, and as beautiful as the hand engraving may be, photos of any other markings will be very helpful as well.

If photos can't be posted, then a good description would help (i.e. fixed blade or folder, dates or markings on the blade, ricasso, tang, a description of the Empire logo - as these evolve over time, etc.)

I am looking forward to seeing if anyone in the hood can assist you further - that would be so cool!

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