Hey Ken! No foul - no worries...it's only going to get busier as we get closer to the holidays too. But I am all up for trying...just not sure when either LoL!
Welcome, Kenneth! Glad you've made acquaintances here already Lars, Jan, & JJ are all really great!I hope you find some interesting content here (don't forget to check the groups, & to join some of them, too!). Feel free to ask questions (we have a great knowledge base here with our members!), & to answer some, too -- no doubt you have some incredible knowledge yourself! Good to have you here!
I'd like that...meeting one another I mean. I'm always up for a great cup of coffee and talking "shop" with fellow collectors. For me, a knife is an inanimate object...until you add the story to it. That's what brings the blade alive! And it sounds like you may have plenty of stories to share....
Hello Kenneth - welcome to iKC - we're glad you're here! Well I am anyway....we're practically neighbors with you being just down the road in Coppell.
Al Mar, Randall, old Gerber, Cold Steel - yep, I think we were separated at birth. That's the only explanation I can think of as to why we both favorite these knives why living 10 miles or so a part.
Feel free to poke around and explore the groups, join a few that meet your interests, add some comments here & there, or post some photos of your fav's. Also - feel free to ask any questions you my have - always someone around to assist.
Kenneth Levin's Comments
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Hey Ken! No foul - no worries...it's only going to get busier as we get closer to the holidays too. But I am all up for trying...just not sure when either LoL!
Stay frosty amigo -
Featureddead_left_knife_guy said…
Welcome, Kenneth! Glad you've made acquaintances here already Lars, Jan, & JJ are all really great!I hope you find some interesting content here (don't forget to check the groups, & to join some of them, too!). Feel free to ask questions (we have a great knowledge base here with our members!), & to answer some, too -- no doubt you have some incredible knowledge yourself! Good to have you here!
I'd like that...meeting one another I mean. I'm always up for a great cup of coffee and talking "shop" with fellow collectors. For me, a knife is an inanimate object...until you add the story to it. That's what brings the blade alive! And it sounds like you may have plenty of stories to share....
Hello Kenneth - welcome to iKC - we're glad you're here! Well I am anyway....we're practically neighbors with you being just down the road in Coppell.
Al Mar, Randall, old Gerber, Cold Steel - yep, I think we were separated at birth. That's the only explanation I can think of as to why we both favorite these knives why living 10 miles or so a part.
Feel free to poke around and explore the groups, join a few that meet your interests, add some comments here & there, or post some photos of your fav's. Also - feel free to ask any questions you my have - always someone around to assist.
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Howdy, Kenneth. Welcome to iKC.
Good to have you here.
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