Sweet! Been here since 1997....absolutely love the place. Rich in history, which is why we chose McKinney over any other place in the Dallas metro area.
Hi Charles - welcome to iKC! we're glad you're here. As J.J. mentioned, feel free to unload on us all your questions and what about's....happy to assist where we can. Almost nothing more fun than weighing in on other's knives!
That's pretty cool - getting a 60 knife starter collection I mean. Oh...I could talk knives and styles all day. As you get to know your collection more, feel free to scout around and join any of the specialized groups, forums, and chat spots that you may find.
Charles Early's Comments
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LoL! Too big...that's funny. Well Historical downtown still has a few shops that openly state "We'll Open when we're good and ready to".
Glad to have you connect as a Friend as well.
Sweet! Been here since 1997....absolutely love the place. Rich in history, which is why we chose McKinney over any other place in the Dallas metro area.
Hi Charles - welcome to iKC! we're glad you're here. As J.J. mentioned, feel free to unload on us all your questions and what about's....happy to assist where we can. Almost nothing more fun than weighing in on other's knives!
That's pretty cool - getting a 60 knife starter collection I mean. Oh...I could talk knives and styles all day. As you get to know your collection more, feel free to scout around and join any of the specialized groups, forums, and chat spots that you may find.
Looking forward to hearing from you -
Definitely a way to jump in head first, Charles. Post some pics to your page and ask for any info from other members.
Welcome to iKC Charles.
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