Whenever I'm deciding which of my EDC blades to take with me for the day I always have a hard time choosing. I always end up carrying more than one, Five to be exact. Does anyone else have a hard time deciding which knife to carry so you end up taking more than one? If so which two do you have the most trouble with deciding on?

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Wow, It's interesting to see what other knife collectors carry for EDC! I have heard of many differents edc set-up's from carrying a swiss army knife, to carrying a multitool, to carrying a boot knife, to carrying a tactical knife. What is really interesting is how we all have different preferences for our EDC, yet we can all relate to each other just by what is in our pockets! Amazing!
my EDC consists of the following:

Buck: Hartsook
CRKT: Sting, Dogfish, modified M16-13Z
Leatherman: Wave, Micra, C301
SOG: Flash 1
For just EDC then no one knife does the trick.

My work set up however is a different story.
Right now I'm carrying a Kershaw Tucan, Benchamade Mini Barrage and a Swiss Tool (in black). Along with my flashlight and two mini crowbars. I have a 'station' (for lack of better word) which has a Benchmade Nimravus Cub 2 in case I need something with some more leverage. There is also a Bryd Raven there to had out to people who I work with that I don't trust with my good knife. If it came back broken or didn't come back at all I wouldn't be as sad as say my if my Benchmade didn't come back.
Im glad to hear others carry lots of knives, too. I have some EDC vids on my youtube channel and get plenty of comments saying I dont need that many or I have problems for carrying that many. My standard is:
1. either a kershaw junkyard dog/ CRKT M16-14z in my right front pocket
2. Buck sirus in right back pocket
3. fake SAK in my left front pocket
4. either kershaw leek/ spyderco karambit (because they are thin) in my wasteband behind my right hip
5. 6 inch cold steel ti-lite in right cargo pocket (as my main defensive folder)

Speaking of large EDC knives, do u EDC your CS voyager, william?
Yeah I do! I carry my XL Voyager almost all the time. I'm all for carrying the biggest knife possible as long as it doesn't weigh you down. For example my CRKT Triumph weighs 6.3 oz and has a 3.5" blade while my XL Voyager is lighter and weighs 5.1 oz and has a 5" blade. Unfortunately Texas law restricts blade size to 5.5". Which sucks!
Unless I have this concept wrong, "collecting" knives that cannot be sharpened, scratched, breathed on or removed from their boxes pretty much precludes them from "Every Day Carry".

My Randall knives all have my name engraved on them when they were made for me. I've been offered about five times the regular collector values simply because they're MY knives, and are a historical part of the Cold War. I sharpened them all multiple times, and used them in the other ways their maker intended. I carry one of the Randalls (5.5 in blade or shorter) 24/7 as well as a Fallkniven S1, my indispensible little Victorinox (mainly for the toothpick), an original long Spyderco, a vintage J.A. Henckels long melon knive, an Opinel n3, a couple of multi-tools -- all of them, usually all the time.

Anyway-- one can certainly collect well worn knives. My collection of vintage Bowie type knives from the era of the founding of Texas (say, 1830-1880 in my collection) is worth more than a bunch of just as well-made Chinese knives untouched in their boxes.

In EDC terms, if you don't have it on you, you simply don't have it.

When I buy a new knife I throw the box away, sharpen it well and carry it until it looks like I have. Then I keep it to carry occasionally, give it away, or more rarely I take it to my anvil and beat the demon POS until it will never displease another knife lover.

We all have equally valid opinions and points of view. That is mine.
I don't have enough knives I can EDC ATM, so It's pretty much always my Leatherman Wave and my Leatherman Crater. I would like to carry some sort of fixed blade, just for aesthetics and cause it makes me feel warm inside(lol), but where I live it'd cause all kinds of uproar(even though it's legal -.- ).

If I'm going someplace where I don't feel safe, I'll bring my buck lockback folder(5 inch clip point blade IIRC) in my right cargo pocket, along with my multitool and normal knife.

I usually don't carry much, not because of weight so much as, when my pockets are full of stuff and I can feel it rubbing against my legs it drives me nuts. So I try to spread everything out in all my pockets.

Left Front Pocket- cell phone

Right Front Pocket- knife clipped, lighter, thumbdrive

Right Back Pocket- Maxpedition Micro wallet

Left Back Pocket- Bandanna

Left Cargo Pocket- Often nothing, occasionally a small light. Usually leave it empty for anything I might acquire over the course of the day.

Right Cargo Pocket- Cigarettes, Rarely a larger folding knife for defense. Not that I know how to fight at all, but sometimes I feel like I'll need it, thankfully I haven't yet, and I hope I never do.

Belt: Multitool, watch, keys.

It works for me.
i have a couple knives i carry all of them
I always have at least 2. One is a multi tool and the other a folder. Sometimes I'll add a folding box cutter into the mix (Gerber EAB) if I anticipate a lot of cutting in the office.
Hi All
I carry at least 3 every day. I am a leather smith so I carry the knives I need for the work i'm doing. I use a stockman and a Barlow for much of my leather cutting and have many more specialized knives on my bench.
In addition to the ones I plan on using every day I just have to carry one or two of my oldies just to feel them in my pocket, usually a Griffin (usa) sleeve board pen and or a Voos (usa) bearhead jack, both with beautiful jigged bone scales. Glad to be here.

best regards

I always carry one, but sometimes two knives at any given time.
Hi there Andy, I'm Robin.
I love "well used" knives, well sharpened (no grinder sander scars) well loved. You can see the owner in the way it was taken care of.




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