This is a hard one for me. Since I'm a toenail collector I REALLY like the toenails they are fantastic. I carry a stag 73 pattern single blade, its my daily companion. I really like the looks and the feel of the 25 pattern easy open. Since I started the discussion, My favorite is my daily companion, a Northfield 73 pattern, stag, single blade its rough, tough and gets the job done.

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Because it is a toenail, of course.
Great looking toenail Scott. Have you changed your mind about EDC?
I've been carrying a snakewood handled cigar stockman w/stainless blades. I really like how it sharpens up, and I like the cut of the clip blade(turkish or california). I can do so much more w/that blade than a standard clip blade. The spring is fantastic, I can't forsee that spring ever wearing out. That's what I like the most about GEC knives, is the fact that they're built old school to last and wear and look great to boot. Thanks Great Eastern! Keep up the good work. Lloyd
Since I don't have a toenail or easy opener (yet), I think my favorite is the model 25 barlow with the sheepsfoot blade & bokote handles. The snap is perfect on that one. You won't break any nails getting it open, or lose a finger closing it, yet the tension still has authority.
I'm carrying 73 pattern, single blade lockback carbon steel. Its so tight, you really don't need a lockback. This is my first carbon steel to carry.
I'm a toenail collector, I don't think I would want to carry one around all day. I have a easy opener in stag, I like the way it feels in your hand, just the right size for me. I haven't started carrying it yet, don't know if I will it looks pretty neat in the display case.
I carry the cuban snakewood stockman...... its so elegant and simple and of course sturdy.
I do love the 73 stag liner-lock, it may find its way into the rotation soon.
Hello Ken, Absolutlely, Possitively, My favorite Great Easten Knive is thier #53 Cuban. You see I like stockmans anyway becouse they are so practical and thier cigar pattern puts the icing on the cake. I have a Dead Skunk that was hand picked for it's outstanding handle pattern. I would like to post a picture of it but the picture is blurred. It seems every time I take a picture of one of those acrylic knives the picture comes out blurred. Maybe they are magical?
They are practical. I like the dead skunk also. On the blur are you using a flash on your camera, if so turn it off and and try using natural light. If that doesn't help you may be right it could be something magical. I think everything GEC is putting out is magical. By the way, welcome to the group. I've been absent for a week and just now getting caught up. But we're glad you joined us.
My favorite GEC Northfield Pioneer- Beautiful stag!
Its hard not to like "stag"!!!!
#23 Stag Linerlock. I'm not a sincle blade carry guy but could make this work. Ballance, durable, awsome look and the skill that GEC goes into matching scales to butoning down pins is first class. I'm carrying now a #53 whiltler 3 spring that's bult like Sherman tank. I have far more case knives than anything 10 to one. But my past dozen acquisitions only one's been a Case that came in today a sister to a 1995 5347 damascus thats now listed a 5347 DAM just released this year. In fact I ended up with two ordered so I might rethink the GEC whilter carry on the old basis of duplicate ratioanal. This is the most I have paid for a case but I have paid more for the last GEC's and Schatt & Morgans that I bought. Iexpect to get in the mail tomorow the GEC Barlow apaloosa shield knife... that broke the bank.


White River Knives

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