Saw this critter in my backyard yesterday.  First time in the 26 years I've lived here that I have seen an armadillo around here.

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Where abouts do you live, Charles?    I saw one (not as lively) on a street in Chicago!   They say they aren't this far north but the proof was in the pavement!

Great photos BTW.  But don't go around feeding and petting them.  They are known to spread leprosy!

Tobias, I live in Athens in North Alabama.  I knew they were in this region because I've seen them live in other areas of North Alabama and certain times of the year I see a lot of them squashed on the highway.  I had just never seen any around where I live.

Don't worry.  I am definitely not going to feed or pet them.  In fact if I can get a head shot on him I will try to take him out with my air rifle.

Tobias Gibson said:

Where abouts do you live, Charles?    I saw one (not as lively) on a street in Chicago!   They say they aren't this far north but the proof was in the pavement!

Great photos BTW.  But don't go around feeding and petting them.  They are known to spread leprosy!

Goodness they are everywhere here!  Must be headed to AL trying to get warm HaHa

We have them everywhere. I have trouble with them digging up the foundation of the steps at my camp. A real pest, sometimes. When I was young we use to see who could sneak up on one and catch it by the tail. I was a champ at it....lol

I almost forgot, to tell ya'll a short story about one. When I was young, I caught one by the tail and turn it loose in my Grand Paw's camp....lol  Well, it was the last time I ever tried a stunt like that.....lol

Robert, sounds like Grand Paw might have done something to your tail! LOL

Robert, I think you need a nick name...

Should we go with

Leprosy Bob or Armadillo Bob?

LOL, sounds good but I already have a nick name, " Pawpaw Coyote". I'll tell ya'll another story about my shelled little friends. When I was hired by the leading authority on armadillos to  catch some. She was the first one to breed and raise their young in captivity. She wanted some to run test on, so I went out and shot some. I then brought them to her, in a ice chest all iced down. When I got their she hollered, "Let them out their gonna smother". Little did she know, they were already dead....LOL She had forgot to tell me she wanted them alive. I did catch her some live ones later on. I sho did give her a scare though.....lol

I have seen a few of them when I was fishing in Arkansas as road kill, but I haven't seen a live one since I was kid.

They are all over south Louisiana.


White River Knives

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