Kenneth Bruce Hills
  • Male
  • Wellington, FL
  • United States
  • KnifeMaker
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Kenneth Bruce Hills's Page

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Robert Venable commented on Kenneth Bruce Hills's blog post How about a blog on Heat Treating Recipes? As well as the Rockwell hardness you get for the same.
"Ken, I am using cpm 154 and AEB-L for kitchen knives mostly. What is your recipe for AEB-L, and what Rockwell hardness are you getting?"
Nov 18, 2019
Rome D. Rushing commented on Kenneth Bruce Hills's blog post Stag anyone show me some of what you have.
"Here are a few of my stag handled knives."
Oct 19, 2019

Profile Information

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How long have you collected knives?
56 to 60 years
Favorite Kind of Knives
Mine or Mcusta or practically any high quality stag.
http://Mongrel Knives on Face Book
About Me
Been at it for 12 years. Seems I am pretty good at it. Like to push myself and stretch the boundaries. Lately using a lot of Mammoth and Mastodon in folders, lots of file work better than most. Let us see where this goes.
Knives and Harley's what else is there? lol
Other Hobbies
Does walking my dog count?

Kenneth Bruce Hills's Blog

Very old handle material

Posted on August 23, 2019 at 12:58 0 Comments

Some of the Mammoth or Mastodon scales on some friction folders I made all about 6 inches long. If any of you makers need a good source (not me) get in touch I found a good one.

Stag anyone show me some of what you have.

Posted on August 23, 2019 at 12:54 4 Comments

What I collect not what I make. I have worked in Stag as well as Mammoth Bark {Ivory). Don't be afraid of using this material it works well as long as you work with the grain. Mammoth is defiantly easier to work with than Stag. You need to get the "fresh" stuff that has been stabilized. I you wind up with fossilized bark that is a whole different type of machinery....think Lapidary.

So here is what I collect. Though truth be told I probably could make them. The SB's are really not all…


How about a blog on Heat Treating Recipes? As well as the Rockwell hardness you get for the same.

Posted on August 22, 2019 at 18:27 1 Comment

Here are some of the steels I use. Always looking for new Heat Treat recipes. Been at this a while if you need on let me know. the picture is a sample of what I do. The balance can be seen on FB at Mongrel Knives. Hope I am not violating any rules here still trying to navigate the site. Ken

440 C

154 CM

CPM 154 CM





Very occasionally a non stainless. I do Gun shows to sell my knives and just go tired of…


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At 8:43 on August 24, 2019, Ken Spielvogel said…

Welcome to IKC Kenneth, From Kenneth

At 11:31 on August 23, 2019,
Charles Sample

Welcome to iKC Kenneth!

At 19:28 on August 22, 2019, Jan Carter said…

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At 19:18 on August 22, 2019, J.J. Smith III said…

At 14:09 on August 22, 2019, Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said…

Hey there, Kenneth! Welcome to iKnife! Come on in, kick back and check things out. There's some handy tips on our front page to help you find your way around, and some fantastic people in the Chat room if you have any questions or want to shoot the breeze. Site rules are also on the main page, and if you get creative, you can customise your My Page to suit your own style! Hope you enjoy your stay with us! Great to have you on board!


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