My First GEC made proudly in the USA : thanks to iKC members

Dear Friend,

I joined this forum a couple of days ago and I must admit that I feel very good with you !!

People are nice and comments are great... THANKS for this warm welcome.

I learned a lot with you in those very few days and I discovered with pleasure the company GREAT EASTERN CUTLERY and their marvellous knives !

I was so impressed that I have decided to order one and here it is SPECIALLY FOR YOU (it is not even yet on my blog, my everyday readers will be mad at me !!!!)

Let me present you the UNSERIALIZED NORTHFIELD PIONEER #23 with SADDLED BROWN JID BONE and 2 superb blades

only a few pictures... in low format (sorry)!

this great PIONEER arrived this morning after 7 days of lead time. I am very happy BUT custom taxes are MUCH TOO HIGH !!!

I paid the knive $110 + $43 for shipment

AND 44 € for the french custom rights !!! AAARGG UGLY 

Anyway guy I thank you very very much, with you I discovered great american traditionnal knives !!!!

Views: 205

Tags: GEC

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Comment by Joan Mae Howard on December 7, 2012 at 17:40

I am glad you like your knife and welcome to the Great Eastern family.



Christine Tucker

Sales/Great eastern Cutlery

Comment by Paul Slusser on December 7, 2012 at 15:58

Great looking knife my friend! Congratulations.

Comment by Steven Matthew on December 6, 2012 at 17:46

Glad to say I know ya, and that's one fine knife you got there.

Comment by Jan Carter on December 4, 2012 at 18:28

I am so very happy that you have gotten this knife.  The 23 is a fine knife by Great Eastern.  We are honored that you would share with us before sharing with your community.  I hate that members pay such a high price to import US knives.  I find it especially disheartening because we buy internationally and do not pay such taxes just additional postage.  It is terrible to not have the freedom to purchase without paying additional sums.  JJ is correct that is one FINE looking knife!

Comment by Brad T. on December 4, 2012 at 18:21
Join the passion, I just took delivery of my first GEC knife when I got the iKC Club knife. Now I have another and the Traveling Maverick is with me now. I soon will have more of the GEC 89 pattern, as sure as I am you will have more American pattern knives.
Comment by J.J. Smith III on December 4, 2012 at 17:51

Extra shipping charges are certainly a bummer, but that sure is one nice looking knife.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on December 4, 2012 at 17:22

Wow, so nice! I am very sad ya'll have to pay all that extra for shipping and what ever.

Comment by Craig Henry on December 4, 2012 at 17:01

VERY nice! 

I've been wanting a single blade #23 in Black Plum. Now you have me looking again! LOL!

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