#4 – “The Beast” by Three Sisters Forge, Very Heavy Duty Medium Tactical, CPMS-35 NV
cryo-stabilized Blade, Triple Tempered, 0.125” thick Ti Handles.  This is my EDC, and I am here to tell you this is one heck of a rugged, no nonsense knife used by our troops in Afghanistan.  At the end of the day, these guys pound this knife into the wall and hang their gear from it.  (Reference my review of this knife)


#5 – Jim Burke Flippin Ballistic Folding Knife, custom made, CPM 154 Blade, 8” open length, 4.75 close length, nice grip pattern in handles (that works), effective jibbing, unique grind/machining on blade, very rugged.  This quickly became one of my favorite knives.  I recommend it.



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Comment by Stanley May on June 23, 2013 at 15:14

Not many people have heard of Three Sisters Forge.  I wrote a review about the TSF Beast in a review I did titled "The Beast is Fearsome".  If you haven't read it yet, it will tell you all kinds of information about the knife.  The link to it is in the first comment below by Steve Hanner.  (note: the last pic of part 2 is the front side of the beast.)  Yes this is a really high quality knife, and it has my high recommendation.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 23, 2013 at 14:31

All this, I apologize, I have never heard of Three Sisters Forge before, you started telling us about them. I guess, I don't keep up with Tactical knives enough. It seems they really produce a quality knife.

Comment by Stanley May on June 21, 2013 at 11:56

The indentation I think you are referring to is a machine cut made across the "liner tab/lever" to provide some flexibility.  If Jim would have not made that cut the "liner tab/lever" would be so stiff, you couldn't provide enough load to unlock the blade.

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