
I have never ordered anything from Bud-K (the web/Amazon, or print catalog) and have no idea why I started getting the catalog.  I had never heard of the company until the first catalog arrived. (Same goes for Kennisaw Knife Catlog, another random catalog I started receiving!) 

When the Bud-K arrives, I look through it and then typically toss it a day or two later. (yeah, they do have some pretty cool looking stuff in the catalog - mostly junk - but I have no interest in ordering from them)

The question:

I've been getting the Bud-K catalog for going on three years now.  The last three times it arrived, it came with the ominous "Last issue, Order Soon!" notifications.  How many more issues do you think I'll get before they no longer send it to me?

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I get them both all the time, but then again I try to get every catalog I can. My reasoning is eventually everything will be electronic so these issues will someday be collectible for someone. If you peruse our Catalog group almost all the major and several minor knife companies offer an electronic version.

I have never ordered from either but I love to look at the Gil Hibben knives. I know perhaps not the best quality but what he thinks of is amazing to me and someday hope to get a few.

We have a CATALOG Group!  Amazing!

Aah, the wonder of it all.

Tobias Gibson said:

We have a CATALOG Group!  Amazing!

I used my nickname when I started getting the SMKW catalogs. All the others have the same name. Kevin Pipes must sell his mailing lists.

I don't if he sells it or not.  What I do know is the catalog is designed at SMKW and then is sent out to publisher for printing.  They had a kerfuffle about several months back where something went haywire with the contracted publishers.  Some people were getting as many as a dozen catalogs while others were getting nothing.  I received 4 in one month.  Three with my name and one with some other name  All had different customer ID numbers!

My Bud-K catalog is in my son's name.  He says he didn't sign up for it.  In some instances I think what happens is the catalog distributor associates what is going to a particular address and then sens similar catalogs to names associated with the address.  It isn't so much that a company sells their mailing list and they pay distributors to match their product catalog to addresses already receiving similar catalogs.

I started getting the Kennisaw catalog after I requested catalogs from Randall and Bear & Sons.    The Kennisaw is under my first name, William, which I'm assuming most people here realize I never use!  The other catalogs were under Tobias. 


J.J. Smith III said:

Aah, the wonder of it all.

Tobias Gibson said:

We have a CATALOG Group!  Amazing!

Thanks Steve.  I joined!

Just sent a few more links!

- Bud K   - http://www.budk.com/

-  Kennesaw Cutlery  - http://www.kennesawcutlery.com/

- White River Knife and Tools   - http://www.whiteriverknives.com/

- American Buffalo Knife & Tool  - http://www.abktinc.com/

-  Silver Stag  -  http://www.silverstagknives.com/store/index.cfm

- Catamount Knife Company  - http://catamountknife.com/

- Coast Lights, Knives & Multi-Tools  - http://www.coastportland.com/

-Mercury Knives, Maniago -  http://www.mercurycut.it/

- Joy Enterprise, (Fury, Muella, Mustang)  - http://www.joy-247.com/

they have some good priced items on the BudK site

Jason, you are correct, and you can search it with phrases like Case Knives, SOG knives, even Gil Hibbens Knives and find items that are more specific to what you want. So I can see why people can and do order from them.

Speaking of Bud-K.  Just got an e-mail on a BOGO sale...


Some good stocking stuffers in there !

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