Just throwing out an idea and figured this is one of the best place to start.  I'm thinking of forming a group to discuss fishing.  I'm think everything from sharing fishing stories, advice on gear, etc.   Of course  a good chunk would also focus on collecting vintage tackle and knives as well as what you use when you go fishing today.  Would people be interested in such a group?

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I live in a fishing port, and I spent most of my spare time while younger on a river, lake, or on the ocean. Of course I want to talk fishing, I've even left instructions to have my ashes spread on my favorite fishing river, (a long time from now I hope), so yup, I AM a fisherman. Let's talk!.

and the new group is a reality!  Thank you all for your input, now lets have some fun


I'm all alone.  But as usual once you catch the first fish at new fishing hole, the word gets out and everyone is looking for the next big one.   Come join me at http://iknifecollector.com/group/gone-fishin

 Your not getting jealous now are you Jan? Talking knives. Today I received my newest edition to my collection. A Hen & Rooster Copper Head. I was curious to see what this egg shell concoction that Micheal Prater has come up with and has incorporated into many of his various knife handles be it pocket knifes or fixed blades. Prater is calling the mixture that came on my Hen & Rooster Copper Head handles copper conch shell, It has egg shell mixed with a little conch shell, a small piece of mother of pearl and pieces of real copper. Integrated together. I must say that it was not as eye catching as I thought it might be. A small disappointment. Also there was small craters in the handles where small holes sink down. Not sure if there air bubbles that are formed in the making of the material or what they are from. This distracts your eye just enough to bother me at least. After going on-line and looking closely at pictures of the handle material it seems that these small holes are present on all of the handles that was displayed. Guess it just depends on which knife they grabed from their stock on how many of these holes will be on the knife they sell any given person. Decided to keep the knife after all. Do not get me wrong its still cool. Just was not expecting this.

I was confused at first. I thought you just wanted a comment about fishing. Not starting up a group about just fishing. Oh well. Signed dazed and confused. Don.

Hi Don.  Did you get that Prater knife from the Cutlery Corner Show?  Any chance of showing some pics of it?  With there $7.99 shipping rate they been pushing I've been seriously thinking about making  a purchase -- something I thought never would happen!

the one thing about fishing equipment is most of us bought in on the multi tool/knife.   time and time again pliers and knife, hook sharpener, and maybe a small saw that fit neatly in the tackle box

Mark, you make a valid point.   You may want to come join the fun at http://iknifecollector.com/group/gone-fishin -- Gone Fishin'

mark causey said:

the one thing about fishing equipment is most of us bought in on the multi tool/knife.   time and time again pliers and knife, hook sharpener, and maybe a small saw that fit neatly in the tackle box


A little on the egg shell material.  Michael says that was a dream.  He woke up and they went to the local restaurant for breakfast and he asked for all their egg shells LOL!

I suspect the small pits may come from the grind/polishing action.  If the wheel gets into one of the egg shells, it may remove small particles.  He has been doing these types of materials for so long it would be rather unusual for there to be air bubbles

Calvin Don Rose said:

 Your not getting jealous now are you Jan? Talking knives. Today I received my newest edition to my collection. A Hen & Rooster Copper Head. I was curious to see what this egg shell concoction that Micheal Prater has come up with and has incorporated into many of his various knife handles be it pocket knifes or fixed blades. Prater is calling the mixture that came on my Hen & Rooster Copper Head handles copper conch shell, It has egg shell mixed with a little conch shell, a small piece of mother of pearl and pieces of real copper. Integrated together. I must say that it was not as eye catching as I thought it might be. A small disappointment. Also there was small craters in the handles where small holes sink down. Not sure if there air bubbles that are formed in the making of the material or what they are from. This distracts your eye just enough to bother me at least. After going on-line and looking closely at pictures of the handle material it seems that these small holes are present on all of the handles that was displayed. Guess it just depends on which knife they grabed from their stock on how many of these holes will be on the knife they sell any given person. Decided to keep the knife after all. Do not get me wrong its still cool. Just was not expecting this.

    Nice story about Micheal Prater and breakfast Jan !  The more that I look at this handle material the better it looks. The small voids/holes in the egg shell/conch shell/egg shell/mother of pearl handle materials. Is just as much part of the handle as the ingredients itself. That is as long as there is not a very large spot that just jumps out at you. At first I thought that is why I was able to buy my Hen & Rooster Copper Head, with the Micheal Prater handles seven dollars cheaper off of Cutlery Corners close out and one of a kind section off their website. After further investigation I found that the knife was the one used in their picture used to display this certain knife on their website. I could find absolutely no flaws in the knife at all. So saving this seven dollars off the regular price for these knifes paid for my shipping and handling almost. In case you was not aware the Cutlery Corner website and television show has had a special for several weeks on the price for their shipping and handling. Currently they have a 7.99 flat rate shipping fee. On as many knife as you want to purchase per invoice. In the beginning they had it even lower at 5.99 flat rate shipping. During this time I have taken advantage and purchased several Micheal Prater knifes at a rate of around one per month. I have to look for the best deals I can find for a Prater knife. The most I have spent on one of his knifes was around 51.00's ish. That was for a Frost Cutlery fixed blade called the Sante Fe. Where Prater had gone and put his own handle on the knife along with some laser work on the blade itself. There is like four of these same fixed blades with other handle materials and laser work on all but one. I bought two of them the other two are a little out of my price range. The ones I purchased was priced at 38.00 each. The first one I bought was at 51.00's was just before the cut price shipping and handling went into effect. What I am getting at is a little over a week ago I noticed that Mr. James A. Frost had gone and raised the price on the two knifes from the 38.00 to 98.75 each. Heck I feel like I have already made a profit off these knifes and have only owned them just over a month. The other two fixed blades of this type are priced at 100.00 each. One is made up with the copper/conch shell/egg shell/mother of pearl handle material just as the Hen & Rooster copper head that I just purchased. The other is made with Mammoth Tusk Pieces and is priced at 100.00 also but what makes it a pretty good purchase is the fact that by buying this certain one Cutlery Corner gives you 50.00's of credit that you can use towards your next purchase on any item in their inventory. If your like me though? Who has 100.00 plus shipping to spend on one knife alone. If you read this far into my comments I have to commend you on your patients. Oh Micheal Prater is going to be on Cutlery Corners T.V. show this coming Saturday the 13th of June. With all kinds of new product it should be a very interesting show or two. Also I thought I would through out the fact that they have their shipping at a flat rate of 7.99 per invoice. Before all of this I would rarely purchase a knife from Cutlery Corner due to their excessive shipping and handling prices that they normally charge. I just enjoy watching the show mostly because I am such a knife collecting maniac. Well thats it for now ya,ll (Jan) !!!! Until the next time I have the time to yap. Keep on enjoying your new knifes and your collection as a whole. Cal Boy, (Don)


I dont get cutlery corner until like 4am on the history channel but I have it set to record tonight just so I can see Michael on there.  Good info on the shipping costs!!!!

You know, I got all of my dads fishing stuff when he died and it's all messed up in the tackle box with fishing line and stuff, I've never bothered separating stuff.  I wonder if he has anything collectible.  Probably so.

Anyone want me to get off my butt and take pictures?

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