This unofficial survey is to determine who has purchased knives on eBay and a brief description of your experience. Would you do it again if you were a first timer? For those iKC members not based here in US what has your experience been using eBay? We are not looking at the seller experience just yet, only buyer. two main questions but fill in other information as needed.




  1. Have you used eBay for buying knives?
  2. How often do you buy on eBay?
Results of the poll are being tabulated and we'll post them shortly Thank you for your responses!

Tags: buy, eBay, survey

Views: 703

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Thank you John, wow 100 knives..that's what I call eBay enthusiasm!

John Hall said:

1. Yes

2. I only started buying knives since October 2010. I hate to say this but I've bought close to 100 knives in five months. Kinda went crazy, now I am setting up and trying to sell a few to pay for my habit! I've only had a couple of knives which were not to my satisfaction but I accept sole responsibility for the purchases, after receiving the knive I went back and checked the descriptions and found them to be accurate. It's my fault for getting excited and not paying attention. I tend not to buy from a sellar who has very little feedback and BEWARE!!!! always know who your bidding against. If you click the other bidders name during the auction it will tell you the bidding history % of the bidder with the seller, this will help you tell if the bidder is actually the seller trying to increase the bidding by using a different name!!! I've seen this a few times so DONT OVERPAY because of a dishonest seller. Hope this helps! John

I just posted pictures of knives commerating the University of Kentucky Wildcats Basketball efforts. There are Fightn Rooster stockman, Case trappers and a Frost bolster lock single blade. All but three of these knives were purchased via eBay from various sellers. I was able to buy these at a fraction of retail prices. I know some of them are celluoid handles, one of which blew up & I replaced it with stag. E bay is a good place to get some decent buys. On the older knives one needs to do their homework & research so they know what they are looking at. Take a look at the Case knife I have posted in my pictures that is not authentic. This one could fool a lot of people if they do not know a lot about old Case knives.


Ebay is a great place to check out a lot of things. I've purchased pens, inks and other small items from eBay in the past. They start out cheaper or more reasonably priced compared to those locally available but currency conversion, shipping charges and taxes can make it prohibitive. With knives (or other valuable items), there's a chance that it might get lost during shipment. I'm not familiar with the local laws on importing them so I just suffice by buying from stores or asking friends/relatives coming from abroad to get me some.
Thanks Cesar, I was curious about how difficult it might be to bring shipments in and what official policy was. Very interesting to hear what you have to do.

Cesar Salazar said:
Ebay is a great place to check out a lot of things. I've purchased pens, inks and other small items from eBay in the past. They start out cheaper or more reasonably priced compared to those locally available but currency conversion, shipping charges and taxes can make it prohibitive. With knives (or other valuable items), there's a chance that it might get lost during shipment. I'm not familiar with the local laws on importing them so I just suffice by buying from stores or asking friends/relatives coming from abroad to get me some.

 (1)  yes

(2) I buy and sell on Ebay  daily  more selling than buying  but will jump on a bargain 

1) Yes

2) I'm trying to keep it down to 1 per month


When I started looking for knives, ebay was THE place to go.  Now that I've found other web sites, I buy less from ebay but still look every day.  The economy has ebay sellers doing weird things now-a-days, like doing buy-it-now for way more than the knife is worth, so I do more looking than buying.


Once a year

1. - NO - I make my own

2. - yes i buy on ebay - just not knives - maybe  twice a year?


Todd Davison

1/ i have never bought a knife on e-bay. i also prefer the hold in my hand principle.


2/ i don't use e-bay at all

I've purchased a few knives on eBay, but mostly before I gained an interest in quality knives. I would often buy a bunch of cheap knives below $10.00. Now that I am more interested in knives that are brand name or really collectible, I haven't really looked on eBay. I'm sure there are probably many different offerings that would satisfy me, but I mostly stopped all of my online shopping for now since I started to get carried away. Overall, my eBay experiences have been fine, especially the knife auctions that include several pictures.

1. no I don't buy knives on e-bay

. none

Thanks RicK for posting this here. I wonder how many knew about this ban?

RicK said:
EBAY UK banned the sale of knives and cutting tools abt 2 yrs ago after it was proved that it was to easy for under 18s  to buy knifes .I did buy gerber diesel multi tool and a machete before the ban came into force .


White River Knives

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