The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Working together with ning,, our service provider we are expecting some changes designed to give us greater flexibility in what and how items are displayed in Activity Feed. Thank you for your feedback and comments. Be sure to check in sometime Monday to see the updates.
I'm excited to announce that the new Activity Feed is now live.
Here's a recap of everything that's in this release:
Members can post a Status from the Main Page
Members can comment and like photos, videos, blog posts, and statuses inline from the Activity Feed
The Activity Feed is cleaner and that makes it easier for members to interact with content in the feed
Videos are playable inline from the Activity Feed, and photo thumbnails are larger
Please note that all of these changes have automatically taken effect on our iKnife Collector, Ning Network There will not be a switch to revert back to the old version.
We know many of youmay have questions over this new feature, and we'll be monitoring progress throughout the week.
These improvements will make the Activity Feed a much better feature. We've already heard a lot of great ideas around how we can make the Activity Feed even better, including an option to See More items, see new items that have come up since you loaded the page, and the option to add photos, videos, and other content directly to the Activity Feed. We're considering additional improvements based on all of your feedback and are excited to hear more feedback as we roll out the new Activity Feed!
Great to see us growing and getting stronger HOG place to be is IKC , stay sharp .
Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
I like it, Steve. You can see what someone said without going to the actual page. Of course you may still want to just to get up to speed with the conversation. Being able to directly post from the activity feed is a great idea. I usually check that first when I come to the site anyway. It let's me know what others are talking about and looking at. That is how I come across a lot of pictures that other members have run across. Good to see the site improving. Best site and knife place on the internet.
steve it is a good ideal.but at first i thought i hit a wrong button and did something to my page.on the what you are doing now line it has the share with facebook or tweet was that also automatic?or did i hit the facebook share myself?it is great that ikc stays up with the need to now days or you will get left behind.thats why ikc is on the forfront of things and others are trying to keep up.thanks for all you do keeping our site on the leading edge.....
I like it for the blog areas but not sure about it posting messages to people. I think I liked that part better when it just said I left a comment for someone or visa versa. Either way, it will certainly be easier for newer members to see whats happening
I like it for the blog areas but not sure about it posting messages to people. I think I liked that part better when it just said I left a comment for someone or visa versa. Either way, it will certainly be easier for newer members to see whats happening
Hog, that's all good, just don't change too fast us old dogs move
I like it for the blog areas but not sure about it posting messages to people. I think I liked that part better when it just said I left a comment for someone or visa versa. Either way, it will certainly be easier for newer members to see whats happening
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