Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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These are some pictures from Devil's swamp back when I was the hunting master.

A picture of some rabbits I killed.

My wife standing next to a cypress tree. Those cypress knees must be 10 feet tall! The tallest I've ever seen.

In this picture you can see some members with some deer they killed, and you can also see the bottom of the camp which is 15 feet off the ground.

This is a picture of ol Rob giving them squirrels hell. Note my squirrel whistle hanging around my neck.

I will post a picture of the story that I'm telling later.

Robert Burris said:

These are some pictures from Devil's swamp back when I was the hunting master.

A picture of some rabbits I killed.

My wife standing next to a cypress tree. Those cypress knees must be 10 feet tall! The tallest I've ever seen.

In this picture you can see some members with some deer they killed, and you can also see the bottom of the camp which is 15 feet off the ground.

This is a picture of ol Rob giving them squirrels hell. Note my squirrel whistle hanging around my neck.


That certainly looks like one fine camp.  Those Cypress are just beautiful.  Those and Banyon tress are some of my favorite trees in the south, each has it's own unique growth pattern, almost like a personality.  Everyone has some dinner and you have a beautiful wife.

I was a young man in those picture.
And you still are at heart my friend, that is what matters
Great pics, I know there should be a ton of great memories made in that old swamp. It looks like we would get along just fine, especially in those squirrels hollows. : )
I want to hear more about Devils swamp please

    The dogs drove down the ridge and finally I heard a shot... then silence. It seemed like forever until I heard another shot, then another. It got quiet again and I heard laughter, then "Watch 'em, watch 'em!" before the firing started again.
    I was enjoying the sounds of the hunt so much I almost let my first rabbit get by me. It was a big male swamper that had heard enough and was trying to sneak away from all the action. Well, he thought he was as my ol' citori 12ga. changed his plans. The dogs would run up and down the ridge all morning with plenty of gunfire and hound music.
As I stood there against that old temple gum tree waiting for the hounds to drive our quarry back to my end of the ridge , my mind drifted off to earlier days in Devil's Swamp. I thought about all the good times and good hunts we had. I consider myself lucky to have been able to experience this great swamp.
    Well, the morning hunt finally came to an end when Danee' blew his horn 4 times - the signal to end the hunt. I answered back with 2 blows to let him know I understood. I gathered my rabbits and headed down the ridge to my waiting fellow hunters. They were all togetherand glad to see me; they all started to tell me their own stories of the hunt at the same time. I listened and laughed with them for a while, then told them we had better head back. We had a long walk, carrying alot of rabbits. We pulled out the compass to make sure we were headed in a straight path and started back.
    When we got to the rivers edge, Danee' was waiting and helped us load the dogs and rabbits into the boat. We rode back across the river to the make-shift landing and picked up the boats. After everything was picked up and loaded, someone had a camera to take a picture of everyone together.
    This was my last hunt in Devil's Swamp and I'll remember it for the rest of my life.

The far left in front is me and in the middle of the dog cages is Danee'.

Rabbit stew to follow?  Great story Robert thanks for sharing it with us.  Sure sounds like you had a lot of fun in that swamp
Yep, I'll tell y'all about a deer hunt next. Maybe in the Bayou Jack Swamp. I hope others would share their hunts with us.
Great read and wonderful story. I enjoyed it very much, felt like I was there at times. It's getting me in that mood to un load a few shells at some game. I'll see if I can't remember a hunt, or two. : )


Where is our deer hunt story....I would love to hear one about now


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