None other than the Center for Disease Control Issues a preparedness warning for.....zombies...

Check out this blog:http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101-z...

Among other items to read on the blog the CDC provides this list:

Water (1 gallon per person per day)
Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)
Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)

Stay tuned to iKC for Zombie warnings and alerts and ..........Stay safe out there...............

Tags: cdc, lists, news, preparedness, survival, zombie

Views: 539

Replies to This Discussion

Having been through a few Zombie wars,  I will give a few helpful hints for survival.

1 Zombies always hide in dark basements. (don't go there)

2 Zombies always sneak up behind you and bite your neck. (watch your six)

3 Your friends will get bitten and try to hide it. (always check them after an outing)

4 You may get bitten. (hide it from your friends. who knows, you might make it)

5 If you see a tank, APC, Hummer etc sitting in the street, don't walk past, see if it will start and ride. (have your friend check inside for Zombies first)

6 Always use the same ammo as your friend. (after he gets bit and you shoot him you can use his ammo)


I have been prepping for decades, In that time I have come to believe that everyone should have three things either on their person or very close at hand at all times. Those three things are; a way to make a fire, a source of light, and of course a quality knife. Since I make it no secret that I collect knives I'm sometimes asked what the best survival knife is, and my reply is always the same “the one you have on you.”


Ron, that's just too good. rofl! taste delicious!

Ron James said:

Having been through a few Zombie wars,  I will give a few helpful hints for survival.

1 Zombies always hide in dark basements. (don't go there)

2 Zombies always sneak up behind you and bite your neck. (watch your six)

3 Your friends will get bitten and try to hide it. (always check them after an outing)

4 You may get bitten. (hide it from your friends. who knows, you might make it)

5 If you see a tank, APC, Hummer etc sitting in the street, don't walk past, see if it will start and ride. (have your friend check inside for Zombies first)

6 Always use the same ammo as your friend. (after he gets bit and you shoot him you can use his ammo)

Timing may be critical James...that's reason Number 1 to always carry!

James Cole said:


I have been prepping for decades, In that time I have come to believe that everyone should have three things either on their person or very close at hand at all times. Those three things are; a way to make a fire, a source of light, and of course a quality knife. Since I make it no secret that I collect knives I'm sometimes asked what the best survival knife is, and my reply is always the same “the one you have on you.”



You're right on target; you can never know when an event may happen.  Just the other day we had an earthquake, just a little one, but the next one could be an 8+.  It would be great if we knew, say a day in advance, when "something " was going to happen then we could be completely prepared.  Better to be prepared and ready at all times.


I have been through Tornado's, something called straight line winds, aftershocks near Woodland Ca,  20 inch downpours and flash flooding...the list goes on and how many times a knife was not just nice to have but a necessity! 

I've not run into a Zombie yet...but I guarantee I will have a knife on that day! lol!

James Cole said:


You're right on target; you can never know when an event may happen.  Just the other day we had an earthquake, just a little one, but the next one could be an 8+.  It would be great if we knew, say a day in advance, when "something " was going to happen then we could be completely prepared.  Better to be prepared and ready at all times.


OK still not convinced Zombies are not a real possible thing? Found this combing for Zombie news!

Naked Man Shot by Miami Police After Eating Other Man's Face

So a naked a man was shot and killed by City of Miami police yesterday after he was caught literally chewing off the face of another man on a sidewalk near the MacArthur Causeway. That's really all you need to know to send your head off into a tizzy, but we'll just add more details to assure you that this was an actual thing that happened this weekend in Miami.

Apparently a fight broke out around 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon near the Biscayne Boulevard off-ramp of the MacArthur causeway along NE 13th Street. A woman who witnessed the fight flagged a police officer down. The officer then realized that one of the men, who was naked at the time, was actually biting off the other man's face.

From The Miami Herald:

The officer, who has not been identified, approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man's head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.

CBS Miami adds this charming detail:

With the attacker dead, lying nude on the pavement, officers and paramedics were able to get to his victim and rush him to Jackson Memorial Hospital. Police sources say the man had virtually no face and was unrecognizable.

Police have shared no information about his identity or condition.

Basically, a naked man ate another man's face on a public street.

OK, that is not only scary and gross but too close to home!!

LOL, what do they say...truth is stranger than fiction? You just can't make this stuff up!

Jan Carter said:

OK, that is not only scary and gross but too close to home!!

Thats true Pat, I missed reporting on the flesh eating virus.....strange stuff....

Pat ChoKo said:

There's also been several outbreaks this month of a flesh eating virus around the southeastern United States. Plus, just this past month, we've had two asteroids pass by very close, one of which I'm sure caused the earthquake in Italy earlier. Crazy times. Time to nut up and bunker down, people.

I just had to share this because it is too funny.  My boss posted it on facebook with the heading "Only in Florida"

Well there you go our finest are ready!


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