So you got the bug? Can't stop reading about knives? Can't stop buying those knives?

What in the world got you started?

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Good Question Steve - it seems like all my life I have used knives.  Farming, hunting, fishing, and just being in the country. I was also a Meat Cutter for 4 years and used many knives in the butcher shop and slaughter house.  Never collected them, just used them. About 20 yrs ago, I met a new friend who collected and bought and sold knives, he got me interested. I started then, collected awhile, then cooled off, in these later years, an interested sparked again, for about 2 years now and I have really taken off. Still a small collection - maybe 150 knives. I have started 2 Grandchildren with knives, and have given them about 40. Its not only the knives, but the Cutlery History behind them, and the stories they can tell.

I found it easier than collecting "Space Ships".   LOL   No, I use to collect, Base Ball Cards, Base Ball Stamps, Old Coins, Old Bottles, etc...  Knives, were something I could collect and use. So, here we are,.............lol

I've already posted, but I have to add that my collecting came from using knives. And I kept getting a new one to try. Then I decided to get them even if I didn't want to use them!

I've known a lot of guys that have told me "I'm not a knife collector." I then ask them how many knives they have and they say something like "Oh, about 20 or 30." I laugh and say "You're a knife collector whether you know it or not LOL"

I am sure some people think that if they use all their knives, they're not knife collectors. I am sorry, but I believe, once you past the normal amount of knives needed, you become a knife collector. See what I mean, a person has, 8 steak knives, 6 kitchen knives, 2 butter knives, 2 pocket knives, 2 fixed blades, 1 filet knife and so on........and oh I have 25 mixed folders and fixed blades...........Oh Yea.........Well buddy, you are collecting knives.......Ha.  Ha.    Welcome to the Gang!

I got started when I made my first visit to SMKW, the Mecca of Knifeaholics. I wouldn't have believed a store specializing in just knives. Who would have believed it? I bought 6 knives because I couln't control myself. Afterall, I was on vacation and enjoying myself. I brought home sale flyers and all the freebies they were giving out. At the hotel that night, I had them all laid out trying to decide which one would be my pocket companion the next day. The Colt CT337 won and is still one of my 2 EDC knives. After we got home I immediately placed an order and included their monthly catalog on the order. From there it's all a blurr. That was June of 2011 and 85 or so knives ago.

LOL! Exactly!

Robert Burris said:

I am sure some people think that if they use all their knives, they're not knife collectors. I am sorry, but I believe, once you past the normal amount of knives needed, you become a knife collector. See what I mean, a person has, 8 steak knives, 6 kitchen knives, 2 butter knives, 2 pocket knives, 2 fixed blades, 1 filet knife and so on........and oh I have 25 mixed folders and fixed blades...........Oh Yea.........Well buddy, you are collecting knives.......Ha.  Ha.    Welcome to the Gang!

My father is an ex cop, and whenever we went camping, out would come his Old Timer pocket knife. I used to beg to use it...whittle anything...make a marshmallow stick, any excuse to try it. For many years I was told I was too young to use a knife, but with each refusal, he would sit and show me the proper way to hold, carry, carve, whittle and care for a knife.I always hated the fact he wouldn't let me use it...it looked so easy. Little did I understand as a 6 year old that he was teaching me to respect a tool. To care for it, to learn where and when to use one, and how to be safe using one. When finally we were sitting around the campfire and he handed me my own Old Timer Junior, it was the proudest day of my young life. I've carried that respect and admiration and caution with me ever since. Every new knife I get reminds me of that feeling when I was a wee lad and brightens up my day. I always loved them when I was younger, and it was a natural step to collecting when I could finally afford to buy more. I kinda doubt Dad thought I would start collecting them, but I still thank him for teaching me what he did. He truly planted the seed of interest that bloomed into my addic...errr...hobby.

Plus...being a "collector" makes it look less strange to others when I fondle, carry, cuddle and hug shart pointy steel things! :)

What a great story!  Nice that he tok the time to be sure you understood bow to handle and care for them while instilling a love of knives

Great story Steve. I'm sure it must have been a tortuous affair to experience but it paid off in the end.


I know it was slow going at first. I started collecting militaria as a teenager  and then morphed into asking for a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife as a present every Christmas and then it just got out of control a few years back  I still really don't know know why other than the cash flow loosened up a bit and there was this thing called the internet that allowed me to look for knives from all over the place and connect me with other people filled with knife knowledge. 

My daughter loves anything John Deere. One evening after work I stopped at the hardware store. I can't remember now why I stopped but as I was standing at the counter being checked out I noticed a Case J/D tiny Texas toothpick. Her birthday was near so I thought I'd buy it for her birthday. Well after I got it home I begin to look at it more closely. I liked it so much I went out and bought my own. I'd never allowed myself a hobby with my girls growing up but I suddenly realized I could now afford to buy some knives.
I've had the passion every since! I'm excited now about what I feel is happening with IKC and Queen and Tuna Cutlery. I just love the old patterns.

I became fascinated with knives when I would watch my dad sharpen his on the weekends. He would sit in his chair with an old grey carbon hone. When he finished, he would strop it on a belt. Next, he would test it on newspaper. Like all small kids, I looked up to my father and thought he knew everything. 

It was during that time that I saw a knife at a local store. It was a cheap knife with a blue handle and had a whale for a shield. When he bought it for me, he made me go out and dig in the dirt to dull it, so I wouldn't cut myself. I may still have it. The last time I did see it, it was in the attic covered in rust. I couldn't even get the blade open. From there, I have had various knives over the years and lost most of them being a careless kid. 

About 10 or 12 years ago, I had a supervisor who used a knife at work all the time. He used it in place of scissors. I thought that seems it work better. One night when I was going fishing, I stopped in a Wal Mart to get some supplies. While I was there, I saw a made in China special from Winchester. It was a single blade slip Joint. I bought it and a small diamond hone. They were just what I needed at the time. I learned how to sharpen a blade with them, then moved on to a Buck 110. One day when I was in a hardware store, I saw a carbon hone. It took me back to my childhood, and thoughts of my father and grandfather danced in my head. Needless to say, I bought it. With it and the 110, I got better at sharpening, latter adding a ceramic rod to finish with.

Now, I am OCD about knives. I have researched manufacturers, steels, hones, strops and all sorts of things knife related. About 2 1/2 years ago, I began to branch our in honing and using other knife manufacturers. Currently I am a huge fan of Benchmade and convex edges. I have tried it get my son into knives and learning how to sharpen them, but he is 16 and doesn't have the patients to sit down and sharpen them. but he has learned a little. This year when he starts deer hunting, he will have to. I'm not going to sharpen his knife for him. lol I could write more but I'll stop here.

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