a while back  I was involved in an iKC chat session about this knife or a knife similar to this knife.  Then I saw it up for bid on eBay and  despite the price, I just had to go for it.    If anyone remembers the chat you probably know why i had to have it.  Anyway they were made by Fury.  The build is actually quite good.  I might do a little additional painting or customizing to make it look a little more life like.  But at the end of the day, this is an impulse buy I'm pretty happy with.  Paid $10 plus shipping.  I have no idea when Fury was making these but the original price was $22.

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Tobias, look who showed up at my door today! The brother of your Spirit Knife!

Well this is the answer to the question: Whats better than 1 Spirit Knife?

Pretty Awesome, Chuck!   Was yours always from Fury?

Tobias, the blade is stamped Defender. It did not come in a box which is why the tip broke during shipment. I have the piece however and will glue it back on. I notified the seller of the way he packed it for shipping helped with the break. He's already given me a full refund so the knife was actually free of cost to me.

I just thought how funny it was that there was more than just yours floating around on the market. As soon as I saw it listed I went to your posting to start comparing pictures. OMG, I wonder how many of these Spirits are "floating" around?

Well from their size, we can assume that they didn't originally come free in a box in a cereal!  I do wonder if they were modeled off of some higher end art knife or just the product of an over active imagination.  Joy Enterprises (the owner of fury)  States that many of their original designs are often imitated.  Of course they also say that many of their knifes are inspired by classic designs.  LOL.

Okay.  I didn't bite on this spirit knife but it is by far the creepiest one I've seen so far  It is made in Japan and currently up for bid. (I have no connection with the seller!)  Ebay no:  151149521680

Talk about creepy! THe seller claims the teeth are REAL GOAT TEETH! The little dude on the bottom is suppose to be an Opium spirit.  It looks like an ET posing for pornographic photo shoot!

**Due to the family nature of this website, the comment inserted here has been censored by the poster. Had this been a non-family board, the aforementioned comment would have been hilarious, witty and chock-full of adult insinuation, lewd commentary and references to previously mentioned movies regarding a long finger with a glowing tip. We now return you to your previously scheduled family oriented website. This message has been brought to you by the Emergency Adult Joviality Network.**

Shucks! Shore looks funny!

Steve, Now that's funny right there!  I don't care who you are!

Why, thank you, Tobias! Remember to tip your waitress...I'm here all week! *grin*

I'm going to follow Steve's lead on this one. No comment is probably more appropriate than actually commenting on the visible attributes of the picture. Real goat teeth? I'm doubting that one. These are interesting knives in a "B" movie sort of way. Maybe dewerving od a group all their own? "How ugly can a knife get?" Or, "Would you give one of these as a gift?" Or even a contest of What sci-fi movie did this knife appear in?

Don't mock the Spirit Knife, Chuck.  You might get a double whammy of bad juju.

I assure you its not goat teeth at least it sure does not look like that. Other than human....what could you speculate?


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