The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Time: June 13, 2009 from 9am to 10pm
Location: My Shop & Back Yard
Street: 6086 Parkglen Rd
City/Town: Galloway OH 43119
Phone: 614-370-6228
Event Type: bladesmithing, hammer-in
Organized By: Adlai Stein
Latest Activity: Apr 22, 2009
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Macabee Knives Hammer-In & BBQ 2
After last years success I’m happy to announce the second annual Hammer-In and BBQ On June 13th 2009.
This event is FREE to all interested in bladesmithing blacksmithing and metal working no matter whether you are a beginner, master smith or just think it’s cool.
The Forging & Feasting will take place at 6086 Parkglen Rd. Galloway, OH 43119.
Set up will be from 8:00 am till 9:00 am. Demonstrations will be starting at 9:00.
This year we have some really awesome demonstrators and craftsman for you.
Mike Alexander – Bowies
Dan Chapman – The history of blades in the America’s from piracy to the frontier
Mark Eyer – Leather sheaths
Erik Nelson – Japanese blade fittings, swords, knives, and polearms.
Butch Sheely – Forging Tomahawks
Andrew Vida – Carving wax for casting blade fittings
Others to be announced
Please bring knife making / Metal working supplies or some finished work to donate for the “Iron In The Hat” auction. We will be selling tickets throughout the day to help pay for supplies and food. Please feel free to also bring examples of your work for a sow and tell cause you know we metal workers love to talk and show off.
I plan on BBQing a Briskett and a Pork shoulder for dinner. Please feel free to bring a potluck item to share with everyone for dinner.
If you have tools, knife making or blacksmithing supplies for sale please bring them as we always have folks who need cool stuff for their shops.
To register (so I know how much food to buy) or for more information please contact me at the address above, e-mail me at or give me a call at 614-370-6228.
Adlai Stein
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