Hi all,


Thought I'd start a new thread asking folks to show a Buck knife photo or two. I like just about anything made by Buck. But, am drawn to the Gold etch art knives and love stag handles.

Buck 124 with Colt Firearm's gold etch


David Yellowhorse Dream knife



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Today for the SPS I've got a set of 3 dot stag 112's. One is a standard stag that has been used and abused, the tip was broken off and the blade re-profiled. The other I got from a fellow on another forum, note the MP blade. This looks to be an old CS knife, the first knives out of the CS were standard knives pulled from the production line and customized (MP blades and up-graded handle materials) So the best of both worlds here, standard & semi-custom from the same 3 dot era.

John Burton said:
Today for the SPS I've got a set of 3 dot stag 112's. One is a standard stag that has been used and abused, the tip was broken off and the blade re-profiled. The other I got from a fellow on another forum, note the MP blade. This looks to be an old CS knife, the first knives out of the CS were standard knives pulled from the production line and customized (MP blades and up-graded handle materials) So the best of both worlds here, standard & semi-custom from the same 3 dot era.
Wow, nice John, never thought much about customized but great!

Scott R Gordon said:

Joseph can't upload in this group? I can help!

Joseph Vadala said:

i can't upload my pictures....its taking forever...wanna see some nice BUCKS check out my pictures....

great looking Bucks!

Scott R Gordon said:

Scott R Gordon said:

My new Buck. Lite as a razor, and came just as sharp. Love it.

Polished up the top and gave it to my Bro-n-law last night, Re-pinned and polished the bolsters of the bottom one, see below for finished knife.

Here is my Buck 422.  I got it for making a contribution to the NRA ILA.  It is one of eight NRA branded knives that I have.  One regret I have is that the box got mashed like that in the mail.

Nice knives. I havE a Charcoal Demond wood Vantage that is on it's way here. I will post pics when I get it. I have been wanting it for a couple of years now.

Hey. I'm new here and I just posted about 18 or so pics of my Bucks.  Hope y'all like them.


White River Knives

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