Has anyone done anything to get ready for a "Solar Flare Up" that may damage the electrical grid on planet earth for anywhere from 3 months to 10 years? The prediction is for late December of 2012. Food, water, protection and a wide variety of essentials will be needed if this comes to pass. I don't want to scare anyone but I would like for everyone to look at what has been said and prepare if they think it is to their best interest. I would like to know ya'll idea's on this subject and what your plans might be.

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I'm working on a list of things we'll need but if some of you guys have some ideas, please let us know.

Well that is true Robert never hurts to be prepared.  Ron, on heating, if wood burning is out of the question, propane is good if you can store large amounts. I bought some propane heaters to keep us warm in our trailer for hunting but they stopped working about 10 seconds after warranty ran out. Called Buddy Heaters. If you have one and it still works I would advise adding a fuel filter as apparently there are particles in the propane now which can clog gas delivery if trapped in the line and not a filter.

But if it all goes out how do we spend time on here??

That's a good question Miss Jan...lol  I have a Buddy heater in my camp and it works fine, oh it does have a filter in line. I have it hooked up to a 10 Gal. bottle, it last a long time. Some of the things on my list would be toiletries, such as extra tooth paste, soap, shampoo, toilet paper and medicines.


Propane is the one main ingredient of the worlds largest bomb "MOAB" or Mother Of All Bombs.  LOL!  Be careful.

At first you will not have much to do.  Then you will be spending all of your daylight hours looking for food and keeping what you from from those who want it.  The big cities will be rough and dangerous.

It is my experience is the lines from the tank to the burner flake off and that is where you get the fouling up.

The Mr. Buddy heater I have has built in safeties. Lets see, low oxygen and, well I forgot. Theres about three different ones though. I just can't remember them and the heaters at the camp right now. It's one of the safest little propane heaters on the market though. Clint, you are right about the big cities, thats the people that should plan on bugging out.

I think to have alot of the essentials for this type of event, we need not spend money on things that won't help us if this is a hoax or what ever. A person could buy alot of dry goods and non-parishables. You know can goods, rice, beans, pasta anything you eat already but just stock up a little more. You could buy next summers seeds this fall, so if something does happen, you will be prepared. There is alot of things like this I think we can all do that won't brake the budget but that will prepare us for a big problem. We just need to be real about it and know the earth has had some problems in the past.

Ron"TUNA"Dumeah said: as for defending your self and stuff. I need to get a gun LOL

Not to get political, but both Romney and Barry O are anti-gun,, now is the time to buy and stock up on parts, ammo and magazines.

As for firearms owners I guess we will have to vote for the lesser of the two evils.

The people that live in areas aflicted by hurricanes may have an advantage because they may have gone through times without electricity before. They would have practice in stock pileing supplies, such as water, food, gas, medicines and batteries for flashlights and radios. We also keep a large supply of lamp oil. I think a person can get a few things ready without going into financial trouble. A person could buy non parishable foods, lets say, but the kind they like and eat anyway. That way if this passes and nothing happens, you could still eat the food.


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