This is a Scottish initiative that I just found out about and it is driving me a little nuts LOL.  You can not make this stuff up folks, just look at some of the info on their site

What is knife crime? What are the consequences of picking up a knife?

Here are some facts to help you feel more confident when talking to your child:


Getting caught with a knife

If you get caught with a knife, even if it was for your own protection or you were carrying it for someone else, you will be arrested and prosecuted.


Stopped and Searched

Police can and will search anyone they believe is carrying a knife. On average over 50,000 people in Scotland were stopped and searched by Police each month between April and November 2013.



Getting caught with a knife can mean a prison sentence of up to 4 years - even if it's not used.

so what do you think about this??? http://noknivesbetterlives.com/parents/knowing-the-facts/

are there other countries out there this bad??

Tags: countries, in, knife, other, rules

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Pretty soon they'll take away our forks and make everything out of rubber. Who's electing these idiots anyway. We need people who can speak the truth and voters who aren't afraid to hear it. Don't know how to make that happen. I think thats why the states should have more power than the Feds. Just my two cents.

Let's take this a step further---Once the do-gooders  succeed in outlawing guns and knives, how will evil-doers murder people? Perhaps with a metal pipe-(ala Colonel Mustard and the infamous lead pipe). Just to be safe, we will have to remove dangerous pipes from existence-- Sure, that will mean no running water, plumbing, or pipelines to carry natural gas or oil to heat our homes or fuel our vehicles--There is the small fact that there will be raw sewage running in the street, and will contaminate the drinking water.Fortunately, contaminated drinking water only kills 2.2 million people annually.Those pesky motor vehicles will no longer be on the roads which cause 1.24 million deaths to people worldwide a year. Just to keep things in perspective,  wars and murder account for 0.44 million. Oh dang, I just remembered, Samson slew 1,000 men with the jawbone of an ass (probably a politician). Therefore, we will all soon be required to become spineless creatures lying in shapeless puddles quivering in fear..

They will have to pop in to the police station to get their dinner cut up now !!

LOL, now there will be package rage and dinner rage 

Believe it or not there is even a pamphlet about sharing with your children about the dangers


AND an entire site about it


I doubt you could understand how bad it is over here Jan .  The words "he has a knife" when used here can only mean this person is a homicidal lunatic , it cannot mean that he will open that package for you with his gentlemans knife . Now you notice I made no mention of "his or her knife " because a man having a knife is bad enough but unthinkable for a woman to own or carry one . If you own and carry a knife , even I cannot type that phrase without some residual feelings of guilt, you need to know that it is best not to be stopped by the police . I wouldn't carry even a small slip joint if I went to a city, although that would be a legal knife to carry if the blade is under three inches , I am sure that if I was stopped by the police a knife of any kind would be bad news .  I must add that it is not likely that an old white fellow of 62 is going to be stopped and searched , some folk say it is different for black people but I would not know if that is the case . My favourite knife at the moment is my new EnZo Birk but that is not a knife that I could carry around easily as it has a liner lock and that means it is completely illegal,unless you have a reason to carry it the rules have no definition of what a good reason may be .

The worst thing is that probably ninety five percent of the population would agree with these law's and have never seen the reason for having a pocket knife . When a few of us old folks are gone there will only be a bunch of criminals with a knife in their pockets .


I have been keeping such a close eye on this is simply because I am terrified it will be here before we know it.  Although we have 2 very good and hard working groups out there trying their best, and succeeding in making some common sense laws.  With another election on the way and everyone wanting to pass laws that feel good but have no basis in need or fact, it is just downright scary.

Reason to carry a locking blade, I like fresh fruit and I am old, therefor I shake.  I need a knife that locks so it doesnt close on me and I can enjoy my fruit?? 

At least our Canadian knife laws are reasonable and country wide. Well...except for Newfoundland where the Newfies seem to be making up their own laws with their war on CardSharps. If it's a tool, we can carry almost anything...but as soon as you say it's a weapon, you are in deep trouble.

Manx, I have to give you that I appreciate the Country wide.  I am glad that Knife Rights is working on setting a "base" where you can travel from state to state without fear of breaking a law.  I do think each state has different areas with different needs/basis for the laws.  I just dont want those extreme cases ( no offensive NYC) to spill over to the rest of the country.  Education of the tool is what is needed here for us before it is ONLY seen as a weapon

I am worried also, that our government will try to take many rights away from us. We are living a sad day that we have to worry about our decision makers, not being for the people as our fore fathers were. I guess we can only stay united ourselves and fight for the rights we have.

yes... NEW YORK !   well not quite as bad,  but getting there !!!

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