It seems as we grow older the years become filled with a little more sadness. The knife world lost some valued and loved members Wayne Goddard, A.G. Russell, Jim Sargent and Derrick Bohn to name just a few. Members lost beloved family and iKC lost more cherished members than I care to think about.

But looking back at 2018 I will have some memories to keep me smiling.  iKC has afforded us the luxury and privilege of becoming friends with our members.  Some, we have met the families and shared great times.  This year I could not travel very much, but by way of iKC I was able to be here to celebrate the wedding of STEVE (Manx) & LAURA SCHEUERMAN.  We watched Jeremy Buchanan prepare to and then become, a father in law.  Not only were we able to watch JJ Smith become a father in law but also, we were able to see his face as he found out he will be a grandfather in 2019!

We know that sometimes life gets in the way and members get too busy to be a consistent part of our community.  It is always a joy to see them come back, share with us, they are doing ok and LOOK WHAT I FOUND! That was the case with our own Syd Carr and boy did he add some beauties to share in his collection!  We always leave the lights on and will be here to welcome you home.

2019 is officially begun, Gus Marsh is returning with chats on January 3rd.  Post with us often when you can, share with us your new pointy pals!

May this year bring you joy, love, memories and the sharp objects of your dreams.

Tags: 2018, goodbye

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Amen. Happy New year!

Goodbye 2018...

Happy new year to all!

Wishing everyone a 2019 filled with people and things that bring you peace, comfort, and great joy!

Beautifully put Jan!  Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and enjoyable new year!

Oh, and of course, good hunting this year also!

Woah -- I didn't know about Derrick Bohn!  And that happened in May?!?  I have no idea how I missed that one.  I really liked watching his videos & getting his weekly emails -- though I had wondered why the emails slowed down & changed in tone.   Thank you for mentioning him, Jan. 

And I really appreciate you mentioning the big things that happened for Steve, Jeremy, & JJ and their families (& for Syd & his collection).  This is a great community, & I'm happy that I'm part of it!


I am sorry you did not see that in the Prayers discussion when it happened.  It was quite a shock to everyone

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