The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Can't believe we are entering a another decade. I hope everyone has a great new year. As I open up a new iKC calendar, thought it would be a great idea to choose a knife a month to showcase. Here's my knife of the month for January (I wonder what yours might be?!). This is the last knife I purchased in 2019. It's a utility / hunter by TK Steingass - spalted hackberry handle with a 4.5" 1095 blade with hamon.
Well that is quite a nice way to start off a new year!
Received this one at the end of January, so quickly decided to make it February's calendar shot! It's a "mozzetta" slip joint by Italian knife maker Carlo Cavedon. See below for a brief history on the mozzetta.
The mozzetta is a knife that has the tip of the blade without a point, as if it were "severed". The aim was to obtain a knife suitable only for cutting use, which could be carried more freely than a pointed knife, in a period in which the laws on the subject had become increasingly restrictive. Therefore, these knives are referred to as "permitted by law". The reference is to the Giolitti Law of 1908, which allowed knives with blades up to 10 cm in length to be carried freely, only on condition that this was without a point. (This was provided to me by one of my friends from Italy.)
Received this beautiful customized Seahorse Whittler towards the end of last month and figured I would show it off in the March calendar. It was customized by Wild Horse Knives with black cross-cut mammoth and bolster/back spring embellishments. It's way up there on the list of my favorite seahorse whittlers in the collection!
You know I am a sucker for a wharncliff!
Without a doubt my favorite blade AND the wharncliff is the reason I became a collector. Those are beauts Dennis
Thanks Jan ... I consider myself very fortunate that I landed one of each.
Can't believe we are already 6 months into 2021. For June, here is my cable Damascus fixed blade made by Ariel Salaverria, a knife maker in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He made his first knife in 1977, at the age of 12 and after many years of making knives part time, became a full-time knife maker in 2002.
Love the blade shape on this one
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