I had an interesting day in the woods today.  Rode my 4 wheeler some and downloaded my game cameras.  Got some good deer and turkey pics.

Here is one of the turkey pics.  There are nine turkeys in this picture.  Eight are easy.  The ninth is a little harder.  OK, it is a lot harder!  Who can spot it first?

Here is a nine point buck.

Here is a buck that needs to be removed from the gene pool.  He didn't break the left antler off, he grew them that way.

Here is a black coyote.

My Rough Rider Sidewinder has become my woods carry knife.  I used it to day to clear some sprouts out of a shooting lane for the upcoming deer season.  I was able to cut through sprouts up to almost 3/4 inch with one stroke of the knife.

And last but probably not least, I saw a coyote that had apparently tried to jump a fence and got hung up and died there.  Somehow he got his hind leg hung up and couldn't get loose.  There is an electric strand on the fence too.  That may have contributed to his getting hung up and dying too.  You can see the insulator in the picture.  One less coyote to bother my deer!

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well I only counted eight turkey so I must have missed one somewhere.

The electric on a fence can be something as I too have caught a snake, a coyote and years ago even a goat!  Anyway one less coyote to worry about!

There are nine turkeys.  I will give a hint.  You can't see very much of the ninth one.

Great pics Charles, thanks for sharing

Well in that Turkey pic there just might be one more off to the right. Just a teenie tiny bit of turkey #9 showing ...maybe! Or I am seeing some tall grass.

You got it right Steve.  That is the top of one's head on the right edge of the picture.  I didn't spot it at first either.

That camera is the plot watcher type.  I have it set to take a picture every minute.  When scrolling through the pictures I noticed that white spot wasn't on the picture before or after that one.  That often helps me determine what a small detail is or isn't.  With the camera in the plot watcher mode, you can pick up things that are too far away or too small to trip the camera in the trip mode.

keep the pics coming just love it....


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