IT"S HERE!!!!!

The event of the year for knife folks!

Donnie and I are packed, excited and ready to hit the road in the morning.  So watch here for not only our thoughts and pics but any other member that may be there also!

Tags: 2016, BLADE, SHOW

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Have a good trip guys, really really wish I could have stayed long enough to attend, but alas twas not to be. Say hello to he guys at the BCCI booth for me.

By the way, don't know if you know this, but I was surprised to hear this week that Buck's only company presence at the show will be at that booth, and Buck reps will only be there for a portion of the show. Makes me wonder why one of the biggies of the industry doesn't have their own company booth & display, and why are they leaving that up to their fan club? Wonder what that's all about? Seems kinda weird to me, being as it is THE biggest annual knife show in the country. If you hear any rumblings about such things let me know. If you see any small Buck Barlows for sale, black or yellow...at a reasonable price, let me know. Please, be safe!



Some knife companies dont actually sell to the public or they have an agreement with their sellers that they wont do so at a show if they are both in attendance.  Sometimes at Blade you will have to ask a manufacture, where the folks selling their knives are.  But I would say they should be at the BCCI booth for at least the first 2 days of the show

That was just some chatter on AAPK & BF, but what you say is basically what 300bucks said. I was just surprised to hear that, but now that you mention it I can see where Buck wouldn't want to compete with their dealers, and since there will probably be numerous dealers selling at the show that makes perfect sense. I'm used to going to the type of trade show  that only allows those "in the trade" to attend, (ie; NAMM Show), and it has all the manufacturers present, (but has no public sales). I guess since the general public can attend this show. the manufacturers let dealers represent and sell their products. Just a different kind of show than I am accustomed to, so thanks for the clarification, (BTW: can you tell that I am green with envy?)

Whatever the case just have a great time and again, be safe and watch out for rogue trip hazards & that ungodly Atlanta traffic.

Jan Carter said:


Some knife companies dont actually sell to the public or they have an agreement with their sellers that they wont do so at a show if they are both in attendance.  Sometimes at Blade you will have to ask a manufacture, where the folks selling their knives are.  But I would say they should be at the BCCI booth for at least the first 2 days of the show

Y'all have fun.
Make sure to stay away from the Red Carpet.

Good to see you and Donnie there Jan. Sorry the place was so busy, I didn't get to visit long. Hope you had a good time, I know Scout and I are (it's his first time to the Blade so his head is spinning a bit). He's been really a fine assistant exhibitor in place of RLo. Very surprised to find out he knew so many of the vendors and visitors there. Shame he missed you guys.

One day to go. Show has been quite good. I'll be up in your neck of the woods next weekend for the Bairsville version of the Highland Games doing forging demos all weekend with Joshua. Come on by if you get the chance.

Oh My-What a Day.  This was my first time to encounter Blade in the way many collectors do..in a one day experience.

The first word that comes to mind about The Blade Show is overwhelming!  I do not mean that in a bad way at all.  It is the same sensation a 6 year old would have in the world's largest toy store.

What do I choose?

Can I see them all?

What knife am I getting?


That feeling and anticipation is probably what brings us back to Blade every year and it is #1 of the things I love best about being there.

The second is seeing and talking with the makers & Manufactures.  Some we are fortunate enough to see and speak with throughout  the year but others we only get time to catch up with for a few moments at Blade every year.

A prime example of that are the custom makers Larry, Pridgen, a modern maker and designer.  Our own Greg Dash and his amazing Damascus fixed Blade.

Then there are the makers that do not sell online.  Mr McNabb and John Lloyd.  These are just 4 makers with a strong passion for what they do.  Each of them will tell you sheepishly "it is just a knife"  but trust me, as collectors you want to have the opportunity one day to admire their work in person and not just in photos.

Along the lines of people is being able to meet some of your fellow collectors in person.  I was unable to do as much as my heart wanted to do in just one day and a consequence of that was missing at least 3 members from here that I dearly wanted to meet.  However, Donnie was right in timing my departure and getting me off my feet for more than just a few moments (trust me he had quite a job in enforcing that!).

You all have my word that next years Blade Show WILL include an iKC luncheon downstairs and my having a committed time frame to be there!

One joy I did experience was a young man and his mother that I admire and never would have met without our mutual love of knives.

Bryce Martin has been collecting and learning about knives since he was 5.  He is the premier 16 year old in knowledge of Case knives!  Having just learned to drive his young life is beginning to fill with other joys and obligations.  Working, bow hunting and all the things that come with being 16.  He has expanded his knives of choice but not diminished his love of sharp objects.  This years carry was a Southern Grind collectible with the handles inlaid from one of Zac Browns guitars!  Here he is with Master Sergeant Grady Burrell

That brings me to #3 on my list of why I love Blade !

When it is all said and done, the overwhelming feeling has settled down (but only a bit LOL), the set up is complete and the makers and manufactures have had time together off the show floor....The Blade Show is a family affair.

Everywhere you look young boys and girls are with their families looking at knives and experiencing the exact feelings I walked in the door with!  

Husbands and wives are chiding each other on purchases and wish lists and you get to be there for those ironic conversations, suddenly realizing....wow we all have those!

The one common denominator shared by the kids, the adults, the manufactures yes even the makers??


Not only did Scout attend his first Blade show, he displayed a knife at the world's biggest knife show. Impressive if you ask me, but he is learning from one of the best

Carl Rechsteiner said:

Good to see you and Donnie there Jan. Sorry the place was so busy, I didn't get to visit long. Hope you had a good time, I know Scout and I are (it's his first time to the Blade so his head is spinning a bit). He's been really a fine assistant exhibitor in place of RLo. Very surprised to find out he knew so many of the vendors and visitors there. Shame he missed you guys.

One day to go. Show has been quite good. I'll be up in your neck of the woods next weekend for the Bairsville version of the Highland Games doing forging demos all weekend with Joshua. Come on by if you get the chance.

Meet Carl Rechsteiner

I do have many more pics to share, just going through them

Sundays are always tough even on us veteran vendors. Scout was pretty much on sensory overload all weekend and it caught up with him Sunday am. just before the doors opened. This young man was a tremendous help and I may have worked him a bit hard, "Borrowed Mule" syndrome. He was up and running when the show opened up.

Thanks for sharing all the pics Jan (and yes it's a lot to try and take in in one day).

Bless his heart!  Next year he will be more prepared to pace himself

Nice pics, Jan!!!!!  Thanks!!!! for showing them!!!!!!!!

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