I have recently had an interest in learning about the equipment needed for surviving in a Bug Out situation. In learning the proper tools and equipment to have, I have also started backpacking and tent camping some. More recently, I started having an interest in bushcraft. What I have found is, there are a lot of similar tools required in each of these, especially having a decent knife. I would love to hear what any of you think about the mix of these different activities. I am still learning and having fun as I do so. I got several items for Christmas that will be used in a combination of these activities. Here are the items I got.

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In addition to the fun we had, I also brought home some new items for my bushcraft kit. Eagle carved antler, ferro rod and anti bug bars, from Tracy, coal pieces from another Indiana friend (Theron), parts for bow drill, from another bushcrafter (I didn't catch his name), ESEE fire steel, from SMKW, and wooden spoons I started to carve.

Here are some new items I have gotten recently for camping/bushcrafting. 

I have put together a couple of videos, of some of my knives that I like to take to the woods. 



Nice video's!

Jeremy B. Buchanan said:

I have put together a couple of videos, of some of my knives that I like to take to the woods. 



Sorry about the double start on the first video. I didn't realize it did that. Here is the edited version of it. I am not a big fan of the editing abilities on youtube.

I also hope to get a better quality video camera in the future.


Since it is getting closer to camping season for me, I thought I would show some more pics of new items I have acquired.

A couple of shock cord tie outs.

Husqvarna Forest axe.

Here is a video (slide show) of my recent back packing trip with my brother. We hit the trail at 9:30 AM on Friday morning and got back to the car just before 3 PM on Saturday. It was an exhausting but enjoyable trip. I got to spend time with my brother, test my endurance and see a lot of God's wonderful creation. I hope you enjoy the video.



The video was great!  A lot of hiking going on there

Thanks Jan. I hope to put another video or two together while I am off this week. I might even get a hike with this warm weather. My brother wants us to camp out on New Years night again this year (we'll see what happens).

I went on a short hike yesterday and took a few pics of interesting sites. 

Those shelters are pretty cool but I love the drawings

I got a new addition to my fire starting kit today. I have been wanting a C shaped fire steel for some time. I was thinking about waiting until I could make my own, but I decided it might be a while before that happens. I got this awesome looking kit from a guy in MO. 


White River Knives

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