I have recently had an interest in learning about the equipment needed for surviving in a Bug Out situation. In learning the proper tools and equipment to have, I have also started backpacking and tent camping some. More recently, I started having an interest in bushcraft. What I have found is, there are a lot of similar tools required in each of these, especially having a decent knife. I would love to hear what any of you think about the mix of these different activities. I am still learning and having fun as I do so. I got several items for Christmas that will be used in a combination of these activities. Here are the items I got.

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What is the advantage of the C shape?

It is very easy to hold and feels comfortable in the hand, when striking the flint/chert. 

I know I just got my first flint and steel striker recently, but I have been wanting a kit that a friend sells, for a while now. This kit has one in it. The kit showed up yesterday and I am very happy with it. For starters, the kit comes with a nice canvas bag which is meant for gathering fire tinder. It came full of some awesome tinder that is not readily available in my area. It also came with a laser cut, dragon shaped, fire steel and large piece of chert for striking. As a surprise, a nice kuksa (wooden cup) and some chaga (fungus that grows on trees and is good for making an antioxidant tea). I am anxious to get out try all of the items out, in the woods.

More gear arrived yesterday. Now I just need to get out and use all of this new stuff. Hopefully that will happen soon, as it is starting to look like spring is on it's way.

This is my new cooking kit.

My brother and I made it out for a nice little hike yesterday afternoon, after work. Here are a few pics from the hike.

Looks like a great area to go for a walk!  I wonder what is in the rock hole and the icicles there are awesome! How far did you go?

We hiked about 3 miles. They call the area where the rocks are, the devil's refrigerator. It was like cold air coming from a freezer, when we stood in front of the opening. It would be a great place to keep your drinks cold, if you could camp there.

I went on a little weekend camp out, hosted by Battle Horse Knives, this past weekend. I was an awesome time. Here are a few pics.I also picked up a new BHK knife.  I camped next to Dan Wowak, who participated on the TV show ALONE. Living large. :)

Hey Jeremy.. How's the scrambled eggs and rice and chicken?????

Ellis H. Roberson said:

Hey Jeremy.. How's the scrambled eggs and rice and chicken?????

The bacon was delicious! 

I am so glad you chose to spend time with the Battle Horse Knives folks, even in the rain. Glad you enjoyed it!!

I have a new toy........I mean stove to try out, when camping. This is a Trangia stove with a stand set up, I had made. It is light weight, easy to use and compact. I can't wait to get out and give it a try. this stove used denatured alcohol, for fuel. Once I get the chance to try it out, I will try to do a little review of how well it works, how quick it boils water. 


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