I have recently had an interest in learning about the equipment needed for surviving in a Bug Out situation. In learning the proper tools and equipment to have, I have also started backpacking and tent camping some. More recently, I started having an interest in bushcraft. What I have found is, there are a lot of similar tools required in each of these, especially having a decent knife. I would love to hear what any of you think about the mix of these different activities. I am still learning and having fun as I do so. I got several items for Christmas that will be used in a combination of these activities. Here are the items I got.

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Jan Carter said:

This is just awesome actually Jeremy!

Thanks Jan. I am really liking it so far. I can't wait to try it out in the woods.

Just back from a one day, one night camping trip with my younger son, Austin. Austin has never been much for camping in a tent, so when he asked to go, I jumped at the chance. It was a very relaxing time and I really enjoyed spending time with just Austin, He is almost 20 and is a great kid. I am so blessed to have the 3 wonderful kids that I have and enjoy spending time with all of them. Here are a few pics from our little trip. Btw, this was the first time I was able to try out my new hammock. I slept like a baby (maybe because I was swinging like one). 


I love it when you post in this discussion. You always give a great story to your time in the woods and I like the variety of photos you post......my favorite photos are always the fire and the food!! Looks like you two had a great time! By the way Jeremy.....the boy looks just like you!

This is awesome!  Did Austin have a good time, I know you did lol

Jan Carter said:

This is awesome!  Did Austin have a good time, I know you did lol

Austin had a great time. He said it was very relaxing. It was a great time for us together.

Here are a couple of pics of the hammock after the tarp was up.

Back from another fabulous camping trip. This one was put on by BHK (Battle Horse Knives). We had perfect weather and a lot of fun. I got to camp with some old friends and made several new ones. John and Alicia did a wonderful job of hosting. We had a lot of good food, fun and fellowship. The learning and challenges were a lot of fun.We had fire challenges, plant learning and the ultimate BHK challenge, where we had to start and build a sustainable fire, hit a target with an Atlatl, stick a throwing knife into another target, and find and pick the medicinal plants that we learned about earlier in the day. The prize was a BHK knife. I tied for first place. We each received a new knife. Alicia and John were more than generous throughout the whole camp out. Here are a few pics from the trip.

Great work on the win and it sure seems like that was just the icing on the cake of a GREAT camping trip

Latest camping trip with my brother, two nephews and their dog. We camped out Friday night, since the temps were going to be in the upper 20's. We got pretty cold and headed out early in the morning. Here are some pics from the trip. We stayed in a small, unheated cabin. Sorry for the poor quality pics. I only had my iphone 5S to take them with.

There is the dog thinkin' you crazy people went out without your fur coats!

Sure looks like you  had a good time even if it was cold

I plan on  doing some more camping and back packing this year and wanted to get a small axe to take with me. I decided on a Council Tool Hudson Bay axe. Doing a few modifications on it, then it will be ready for the trails.

What made you decide on this one Jeremy?


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