I have recently had an interest in learning about the equipment needed for surviving in a Bug Out situation. In learning the proper tools and equipment to have, I have also started backpacking and tent camping some. More recently, I started having an interest in bushcraft. What I have found is, there are a lot of similar tools required in each of these, especially having a decent knife. I would love to hear what any of you think about the mix of these different activities. I am still learning and having fun as I do so. I got several items for Christmas that will be used in a combination of these activities. Here are the items I got.

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More great info. being shared. Thanks all. 

Here is a little something, I spent the day making. It was more for the fun and challenge of making, but I will certainly use it.


That is great and should work really good!

I have a couple more things to do to it. I will drill some ventilation holes and make a grate to cook burgers, steaks, etc. on it. I will either make a bag or have my mom make one (if she is willing), to keep everything in.

Wow Jeremy!

Your very creative! Not to mention very talented. Good Job!!

Great job, Jeremy!  The stove looks a lot like my folding Firebox® stove.

I did a little camp fire cooking today. I made some bannock bread, on a stick, over a campfire. It was my first attempt at making the bread and I am very happy with how it came out. Here are some pics of the stick I used and the bread.

Well it sure looks like it done all th way through without getting burnt.  Good job!

I got a nice package in the mail yesterday. Can't wait to get out and try some of it out. It is a lot of different fire tinders. Tracy (one of our members and a friend of mine) and Daryl, owner of Dragon Fire Tinder Box, sent me this package as an early birthday gift. Thank you Tracy!

Very Nice!  What all is in there?

Lovely packaging but opening them sort of negates their waterproofness.

List of the products here:


Most of the packages have a ziploc type seal. I will be opening and taking more pics tomorrow.  So far I know there is char cloth, a pine cone, wood chips and shavings. 

It's been a while since I have posted in this thread. My oldest son, Kaleb and I went a Bushcraft Meetup in Oneida, TN, earlier this week. We met a lot of great people and learned a few things while there. Here are a few pics of the great folks we met, along with some of the activities we enjoyed. Feel free to ask questions and I will answer them, to the best of my ability. 


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