I buy knives because I like knives. I sell knives to help pay for the knives. I trade knives to get better knives than the ones that I have, I have a display case in my living room, I don't think she likes it very much. She goes with when I go out on the hunt. I think she goes not because she likes it but because she thinks I'm going to spend to much money, Tell you what though. If she picks out a knife that she likes there is no way that knife is going to stay there. Whether it is cheap ugly or what. she is going to get it.

The guys that I work with think that I'm a but strange. That's ok I know I am. Most of them Have knives that they can be carrying 20 years from now. If they take care of them they will still looking good and still working good. The thought makes me smile. Every once in a while I'll pull one out of my collection. They only go to very special people though. Most knives that go into the case stay in the case.

Keeps me busy but its fun. Anyone else have this problem?

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I'm a lucky man...My wife goes with me, hunts with me, and buys with me.....She is a big part of my knife collecting hobby.

She is one fine woman, a great wife, an excellent mother, and has a sharp eye when it comes to pocket knives...

( not that it matters..........she is also VERY VERY VERY soft on the eyes! ) LOL 

lol r u Shure your not just trying to get a new knife

UPDATE: Stopping payment on CC got the seller's attention. The knife was shipped and received in great condition. Seller, Kent Lillis, again cited health problems as the reason for "Failure to Communicate". All's well that ends Well. I guess I'm getting too old to be patient for a month with no response. But he finally came through. Just thought I should let you know. TANKER

Michael E. Roper said:

Lee, the credit card company has already issued a refund pending the seller's response. Glad I paid with a credit card.

Lee Smith said:

If you paid with a credit card call the credit card company.
Michael E. Roper said:

This may not be the proper place to post this but here goes:

What should you do if you send $120.00 to Kent Lillis in Torrence, CA .....for a Hackman Finland "CIA" knife and you don't receive your merchandise. He won't return emails. In four days it will be a month since the purchase.

Do any of you know Kent Lillis? I saw where he once posted on this forum but is not listed as a member.

I've collected knives for many years, about 50, and this is the first time I've encountered fraud.

I suppose it's time to call the authorities? 

Glad you got the problem fixed.

Hi, Lee!  I'm pretty much in the same boat as you collection-wise.  I consider many of my knives on lease, because I know that I won't get as much selling them as I spent buying them.  This helps me to check out knives which are too expensive for me to keep.  [Ok, there is that occasional knife that I just can't let go of.]

My "friends" at work were not as nice as yours.  They resented the fact that I'm older & more experienced than them.  They  resented the fact that in their eyes I had lots more money.  I tell them that as you get older you pick up resources along the way & they don't understand:  Like our good friend who owns a beach house.  Or the expired animal food that my wife brings home from her job as a vet tech.  Or the library of books accumulated over my life-time that I was selling online.

I didn't realize what was going on for a while.  I was bringing knives to work and doing show-&-tell because I was excited about the knife & wanted to share.  My fellows kept getting more and more hostile all the time and I finally figured out that they thought I was showing off how much money I had.  Which wasn't the case but understandable.  Anyway, I quit showing stuff to the bunch and that helped a bit.  But I was finally fired, after 15 yrs, for the reason that I was too disruptive.  Fortunately I qualified for early SSN the month before  [I didn't know this at the time.]  Cool.  Once again, it comes down to resources ...

Thought I'd attach another knife pic.  This one's an "end-of-day", 4" closed, shadow knife.

Now that a knife that would follow me home.

I like those handles!!

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