How many times have you been on ebay to buy a collectible item? and it was way overpriced or better yet the frustration of having to bid on a sought after knife, you say to yourself I'll go into gixen and spike it! yeah! $300 is my limit. then you can't believe you were outbid? or back to the other thought sellers overpricing on ebay.  it would be hypocritical of me to say that i dont do it myself sometimes, but only by $20 not by hundreds.  there is a solution to this dilemma search on knife sites, I was after a kershaw orange zing it was up for bid it went all the way up to $200 I really wanted that knife bad!!! and my limit was $200 the feeling of me buying a knife that once cost $40 now bidding for it for $200 seemed insane! but I had to have it.  In the end it went all the way up to $235! I was pissed that I lost but happy too! Paying $235 for a knife that use to cost $40 when it was in circulation does seem far fetched and I wondered about the guy who beat me out to buy it how happy is he? I can honesly say I have yet to pay over $300 for any knife.  Back to my original story, I had money but no Kershaw Zing.  I thought to myself there has to be a way for me to get this knife on my own terms and pay a reasonable price for.  I was angry I deserved that knife!!! i decided to look for discontinued knives elsewhere! I found a site that didn't have alot maybe one or two but I looked and what do you think was there! A Kershaw Zing! it wasn't an orange one but a black one it was good enough for me!!! the knife was rare and discontinued orange color or no orange color it was rare no doubt about it.  The site had 4 of them! brand new in a box! selling for just $79.00. I called up, to make sure the site really did have the knife! They did it turns out they keep tight inventory. I bought it  and the knife I was after for 6 moths no longer haunted me I could go on to enjoy knife collecting once again.  So what the moral of this story??? its very simple we are not slaves to our hobbies we should not let our emotions control our need for steel, we are also not slaves to ebay there are other ways of attaining the sought after steel you want to badly, at a reasonable price.  I believe all of us will get all the collectibles we want just be patient, if you want a knife really bad you'll find a way to get it on your own terms and in away that makes you feel good about collecting no hobby should destroy you.  This is suppose to be fun Remember?  somewhere along the way I forgot that I'm glad I fouund my way back.  to all my friends on i knife collector I hope you do too!

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I am so glad you were able to find this one at a better than reasonable price no less!  Congrats

I'm new to the eBay scene. What has amazed me is the people that bid prices up higher than can be found, elsewhere, at the Buy It Now price.

Oh, I know these woes, Omar, I feel your pain!  I try to give it time when I can, but sometimes I just can't shake it.  Thing is, sometimes I can.

A couple weeks back, I HAD to own a Zero Tolerance 560 -- that shifted to a 562 within a week or so.  I watched a guy reviewing a 562 on Youtube & he compared it to his 550.  "The pivot would come loose," he said, referring to the 562's round pivot on both sides.  The 550 doesn't have that problem.  Neither does the 560.  I so overwhelmed myself with information, & comparisons of the pluses & minuses, pros & cons, of each of these knives that tower of desire collapsed into a big old pile of rubble.

And now I'm obsessing over some Spydercos...  :) 

I've been there.  It's a fine line we walk between collections and obsessions.  Every once in a while I slip over that line and have to take a couple steps back and remember that I don't actually need more knives, I just want them.

My biggest knife collecting woe is not having enough money to buy all the knives I like.  Although I really can't complain too much.  To me anyway I am building up a fairly nice collection.

Sometimes I lose an auction on eBay for a knife that I really wanted.  I just recently lost the auction on a Colonial knife that I thought I would get.  I wasn't going to be able to be there at the end of the auction.  So when the current bid was $7, I put in a max bid of $26.  I thought that would be plenty.  But when I got home later that night and checked, the bid went for $28. 

Charles, I'm so there!  I've made some decently high bids recently, only to be outbid.  I've made some really low-ball bids & won, but those are quite rare, more rare than stumbling on some business trying to clearance out a knife I've already been eyeing.

DLKG, I have won some low bids too.  I won a Shapleigh Hardware fish knife at what John McCain told me was a very good price.  No one else bid on it.  The seller had misspelled Shapleigh in the description so that anyone searching for Shapleigh would not have found it.  I found it looking for fish knife.

i agree completely !

i (almost) never buy on ebay but try to get the knife before it gets a collectible ( a gamble sometimes )

if you dont like a knife when it comes new on the market...  you will probably not like it later when it gets more expensive

and if i love a new knife and it will not be a collectible...  i still like it if it is good !

maybe sometimes we want a knife just because it is hard to get and let the market get us crazy !!

lets not forget that we can decide ourselfs if it a "personal" collectible

i must say that i mostly get "new" knives....  and i can imagine this is much harder ( impossible) for people who collect the vintage stuff.......   btw  you know this one 


I do enjoy browsing ebay though. But if I can I prefer to buy knives in person, mostly at antique gun or knife shows. The hunt is half the fun. 

Oh how I agree to that one Michael!  The hunt IS half the fun and after you get that "one" it sometimes takes a minute to get excitied about looking again

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