Now to some exciting news.  For those of you that have just started the journey here with us, a tiny bit of background on our next custom being offered in our monthly contest/giveaway.

Don Carter Forge very rarely sells a knife.  It is a hobby he enjoys almost as much as giving a knife to a friend or a young person.  The past few years have been quite an adventure for me, watching him learn to take a small piece of tool steel and make it into a hand forged knife.  I always try to find something special as our Christmas giveaway and this year Don Carter has agreed to give away a knife made just for iKC.

As the 12th of December gets closer, watch here for the details and how you can be the owner of this knife, just by being online

Tags: 2016, December, a, custom, forged, giveaway, hand, knife

Views: 2014

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Way to go Charles!!!!!

Congrats Charles.

LOL, it sure got quiet here after the contest, do not worry folks already planning the give away for January!

Kind of a blah day around here Jan. After days of relatives with all the requisite manic activity, it's kind of a let down after all the hubbub. It was also the first holiday season of my life without my sister, so that puts a damper on my general mood. Would have posted photos today of a Buck #310 Whittler that should have been here by today, but it didn't show up, (ordered on the 18th, c'mon USPS get it done already).

I will however congratulate Charles again on winning the contest, can't wait to see photos of the knife in his deserving hands. Also thanks again to you and Donnie.


I am getting worried about that little buck, be sure to let us know when it shows up

smile, some days are just meant for recharging :)

According to USPS tracking it sat in Colorado Springs for three days for some reason, finally made it to Ventura then Goleta a couple of days ago. It left Goleta yesterday supposedly but I never even saw a mail truck today. Maybe tomorrow? Good thing about Ebay is their return policies, so I'll be covered no matter what. I think the seller was expecting to get more for the knife, (a pawn shop seller from MA), and the initial shipping was very sluggish, (which is what disappointed sellers sometimes do). Most pawn shops think anything marked Buck is automatically collectible and valuable and expect to get more, when in truth only certain models qualify as "collectible". It's actually funny to see imported Bucks listed with words like "Vintage" and "Rare". The #310 was only made from 1998-2000, so they are rarer than most, but certainly not worth much over $20, (unless they are the red or yellow versions, which are genuinely rare).

Jan Carter said:


I am getting worried about that little buck, be sure to let us know when it shows up

smile, some days are just meant for recharging :)

It did get quiet Jan, you're right. :-)   I noticed I was only one number away from Charles. That random generator was close. 

I would have been in earlier but after sleeping late, I ate, and got busy cleaning out leaves in the back garden and pine needles out of the gutters. Then I made good on one of my promises - one of the few things my wife got for Christmas was a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood. Sounds funny, I know, but the one thing she really wanted, and didn't say anything about until a week or so ago, was some plywood cutout standing deer. So I rushed to get a pattern and a sheet of plywood but rainy cold weather kept me form cutting before now.

Of course the deer won't be standing much before they get taken down and packed away for next Christmas, but she wants her deer. So I drew them out from my pattern, and did about 2/3 of the cutting with my little Skil jig saw.

And that kept me busy for most of the day, so late - but I'm here.

Jan Carter said:

LOL, it sure got quiet here after the contest, do not worry folks already planning the give away for January!

Well I am late today!  Same type of to do list.  Starting putting away Christmas in the house, cannot do outside yet, still raining.  Had to go to the post office (Charles fault) LOL

Then it was start looking at the barn wood, I want a new small table in the front room and the discussion was buy cedar or use the barn board...well that took a while !   Barn board it is!!

So it has been a bit of a day here also and I am headed to the kitchen to start dinner.  BBS

Good choice on the barnwood, Jan.
Spent the day, here, setting up my new Keurig. Got enough K cups to last a couple of months...

Well Jan, I am glad you got THE most important thing done anyway!  LOL

Jan Carter said:

Well I am late today!  Same type of to do list.  Starting putting away Christmas in the house, cannot do outside yet, still raining.  Had to go to the post office (Charles fault) LOL

Then it was start looking at the barn wood, I want a new small table in the front room and the discussion was buy cedar or use the barn board...well that took a while !   Barn board it is!!

So it has been a bit of a day here also and I am headed to the kitchen to start dinner.  BBS

Lol, i was thinking the same thing, this is the most current posting i could find. If i go post in groups now will it get me a head start on the next contest? lol
Jan Carter said:

LOL, it sure got quiet here after the contest, do not worry folks already planning the give away for January!

JJ - check your Keurig box - likely it is a "Keurig 2.0". Just be aware if you are not already, that the Keurig people got greedy. :-) Their patent on K-cups ran out a few years ago, so everybody and their brother started selling generic K-cups at vastly lower prices than Keurig. So the Keurig guys got mad, and decided to make it so they had a monopoly once again - and added a special paint/ink to the foil of their K-cups, and started making the Keurig 2.0 machines. No big deal, until you find out they also added a little infra red special paint detection system, and likely patented the special paint on the foil. Now if you buy generic K-cups, they will fit in the machine, everything is identical, but the machine won't make coffee for you because the special ink is not there.

But there's a fix - Google Keurig 2.0 bypass to find out how to get around that. One way is to keep one genuine K-cup and carefully peel the foil from the top, then stick it in place with some tape for a permanent bypass. Another is a device called a Freedom Clip that basically does the same thing, for $0.75

If you have a brand that you like, not sold at exorbitant Keurig prices, get your bypass fix and buy any coffee you like.

I have an original model Keurig at home, and am a big fan. We have original model Keurigs in the office. I use a reusable filter basket, which lets me use the coffee of my choice, and make it to the strength I like, while not filling the dumps with plastic, I just shake and rinse after use. Keurig was a great invention, I like it. But I don't like their monopolization tactics.

J.J. Smith III said:

Good choice on the barnwood, Jan.
Spent the day, here, setting up my new Keurig. Got enough K cups to last a couple of months...

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