im pretty sure this is Scottish, what do you think?  The fittings are brass, the sheath was leather covered with a criss cross patteren in it.  And its really old looking. The sheath also had spots for the fork and knife ususally seen on Scottish knives.  I think this one was meant for fighting and not the fancy dress type we may be used to seeing.

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It may be Michael. Lets see what John says!

Michael, I'm still researching this, but I called for reinforcements on this one-- IKC member Chris Sievert knows more about antique Scottish blades than anyone else I know--- I just shot him a PM-- Hopefully, he has some answers-- To me,  although the sheath points to the Scots, the cross guard and handle shape seem to be atypical  of a Scottish blade--Hopefully Chris can help pin it down !!

thanks for the help John. the cross guard seems odd to me to. upon closer inspection its not much of a guard, the metal is thin but the curled in ends work as a friction clip to hold the blade in, unusual i think. the handle on the other hand is very simular to a drawing in Levines book. i look forward to Chris's opinion on it. Also if you need any other pictures or details let me know.

It looks like it could be a transitional piece between a Bollock and a Dirk. Bollocks generally ended in the 18th Century. 

It doesn't conform Overall to most Modern Scottish design (Although all the Elements could reasonably be Scot/Irish)... But it is more reasonably Scot/Irish than any other Country's Knives that have off fork/knife (India Russia or Far East) If I had to say without seeing it in person to tell what Wood the handle is, I would say most likely Scot's or possibly Irish. 

thanks Chris, you made my day. what kind of wood should it be and how might i tell ? I can add some close picture of the wood if that would help. 

Sorry Michael Ebony or bog oak 

wow, an exact 1 year delay. i almost forgot anout this post. 

LOL, never know what is going to pop up!

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