I know that I'm a day early, but I don't like to waste the excuse for a good party.

It was four years ago (tomorrow) that iKC was founded.

In those years we've grown to over 3,000 members.

There are almost 90 different sub-groups, over 43,000 photos, and over 800 videos.


I want to thank Scott King, our founder, who had the dream for iKC. 

I also have to thank Jan Carter, our current "Boss Lady" that's keeping the dream alive.


Finally, I want to thank the folks that have decided to make iKC the site it is, our members.  Without you  we wouldn't be the great place that we are.


All right now,  Party on.




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I have only been a member for a few months but I definitely plan to stick around for the fifth birthday.  Happy Birthday!

Thank you all! Yes its a party and we do look forward to many more years with great members!

Hard to believe it has really been 4 years. The seed Scott planted has truly flourished! Thanks to all.

It is hard to believe Time Flies.  A special thank you to the members.  You are the reason we exist

Happy Birthday IKC

Should I give you my address so you can send me a piece of cake?

Happy Birthday iKC!!! I'm proud to be a member of this fine group of people!

iKC is always on the cutting edge!!

Going on 7 years now, John. Thanks for being here.

WOW!  I don't usually stop to think about my own age much less the age of iKC.  I just keep going along (after all I have been 29 for a LONG time).  But when I saw what JJ wrote...going on 7 years, I realize how much fun this journey is !!!

My Pleasure JJ

Happy Birthday, iKC.  Thanks for the great knife folks I have met here.

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