Great Eastern Tidioute Knife Model 530411 Cuban Castro Stockman Ebony.
4 Blades, 2 of each.  (Sheepsfoot/Wharnclfe) One of each blade on each end.
 I call it my: “Belt & Spenders” knife.
4-1/16” closed, 9-⅞” with both long blades open.
Likes: 4 blades, so if using and one becomes dull, three left. (Thus Belt & Spenders).
Blade style. Carbon Steel blades, easy to sharpen & keep Sharp.
Dislikes: No half stop in closing blades.
Uses: So far, Alum cans, for fish house candles, Fish line, cardboard boxes, to make them smaller, some rubber gas hose, scraping bark of a walking stick, fuzz sticks for the wood stove.  All light uses. Carry it in a belt sheath. Have had a lot of comments on it, in the line of: ‘...looks like a good basic knife…”.   Which it is. It fits well in the hand and is comfortable. Of course, of the GEC line, the, ‘Hayn’ Helper, is still my favorite.  Very solid ½ snap, ‘can’ open with one hand. (with the aid of my leg).

2 other GEC ones. both Ebony wood. A Maverick, (621312), which I opened the tube, and put it back. It’s #8 of 25, To nice to use, so back in the tube, someday it may be worth more.  And a Whittler, (890310), which I will use/carry, when I am, ‘dressed up’.

All in all, I like the GEC knives. Made here, to help This Economy, in This Country. But if I could have just one of these GEC’s, I would take my, Orange, ‘plastic’ handle, Hayn’ Helper one. Unless the one I have, is a anomaly.  

I like knives, to use. Have made many, out of car springs, lawn mower & saw blades, files, broken gun parts, all for a specific purpose, and non of them are worth a hoot & holler, unless you wanted to use them for that specific purpose. But to collect, their are to many, and I already have, collections of items, which are far less useful than a good, made in the USA knife.  So my focus is on a knife that is easy to sharp & carry, holds it’s edge, and works as the design intended.

Anybody want to trade a LaKota, Lil’Hawk, (No box, but looks like never carried or sharpened) for a Hayn’ Helper, (473212) in the Nifebrite glow ?  ‘dat der LaKota sor is prtty’. LOL

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That is a nice 53 and I agree that those feel good in the hand and use well.  Helping our economy while buying a USA made knife is always a plus for me too

Well done Tom and an interesting review of this stockman knife. Looks quite sturdy and very usable. I am like you and find about a hundred different uses for a knife everyday and I must have one on me!

I will say I had a chance to sample the GEC Maverick and was quite impressed with its performance. Yes its a looker but it works as well!

It definitely looks as if the knife has found a good home.

I've been looking at this pattern more and more recently. I like the "Equal" lines, it looks balanced. Although, I might want to convert one of the Sheepfoot blades to a monster Coping blade, but that's me.

Hi Brad,

> ...I might want to convert one of the Sheepfoot blades ...

I think it comes down to, "use it, or look at it".
If you can't decide, buy two.

Here is a old Wards, 40 + years old, used a lot,
and it is rusty, (Of course some may say 'aged patina')
Well made, brass liners, I, 'think' it was made by Camullis.
Long ago, I broke the tip off the small blade, then threw it in, "The Box".
Couple of years ago, I, 'Found' it again.
Ground off the raged tip, and made a, 'chisel' out of it.

That, Wards, sits on a messy bench, and when it's been a tough day,
Wood goes in the stove, out comes a amber fluid,
and I make little tiny pieces of wood, out of a larger piece.

So glad I did. In fact when I get another GEC Hayn' Helper,
 going to do the same thing.

So if YOU say: 'Wow', after a modification, You did, than do it.

I believe that the described stockman would be a quality knife,
worth the effort to modify however you see fit.

  (Poor photo, it cuts a LOT better, than it looks LOL)

Tom, you are exactly right. Modify if it works for you. It looks as if that Wards knife earns it's keep.

 Despite, the lack of a, 'half snap' on the blades,  this one has come, "Just because",

a favorite carry knife. Carried in a, holster, readily available for a variety of uses,

I decided to, completely remove ANY, 'collector', value to it.

I put my name on it.

(Isn't that what the shield is for ?)

Wow does that look nice! Tom a user for sure!

Well, did it today,

broke the very tip off a blade,

Gee, never done 'that before'   LOLOLO

It's still a Great ECK.

OH No! time for a regrind?

Tom Radde said:

Well, did it today,

broke the very tip off a blade,

Gee, never done 'that before'   LOLOLO

It's still a Great ECK.

Na, no re-grind. Just put it to the stone, and did a, ‘chisel’ point. Next time I do a, ‘un knife like thing’ it make break again. All the way to the nibbon. (That’s why 4 blades, three, are still good, LOLOL)

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