Start thinking 4th of July and Patriotic pics.  Details coming soon!

Tags: 4th, Get, Giveaway, July, Knife, for, of, ready, the

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I like that knife!  Would fit nicely in my collection.

You know, I have been wanting a nice, patriotic knife for my collection, for some time now. Thank you for the opportunity Jan! If nothing else, you have inspired me to be on the look-out for just such a knife. Good luck to all.

Now I wonder how I might get me one of them.....

Just sent out an email to ya'll with how to win


The 4th of July is looming closer and we have found a knife to celebrate it with.  So come to the discussion, load your patriotic pics and be entered to win !!

The rules

  1. Take a pic of your knife in whatever patriot setting you choose
  2. Post it to the discussion
  3. Stay tuned, we will announce the winner (drawn from a hat) on the 5th
  4. Enter as many times as you like, ya'll know we love good pics 

Good Luck and show us your spirit!

Not that great of a photo, but this is the nameplate from my dad's mailbox, his Kinfolks K380 that he carried with him all the way to New Guinea and back with the US Navy during WWII, and one of the little flags I put out on patriotic holidays. Dad was buried with full military honors, and his burial flag is still flown at the local cemetery on patriotic holidays. That fence serves as a second story railing, so I usually put several 'lil flags along it's length on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July. I stood in my front door to take this photo. That's about as patriotic it gets around here.

What timing!   Here's my Camillus made USAAF/USN emergency survival knife issued during WWII.

The roundel in the background was used on USAAF aircraft from 1943-1947. Uh...minus the Blonde Dynamite nose art!

blonde Dynamite is actually  "Fantasy Nose-art" as there is no known WWII aircraft to have used it.  I picked it for that specific reason.  It sort of honors all the fly-boys

You always have the coolest knives to show Tobias. Lovin' that "patriotic" artwork!

Tobias Gibson said:

What timing!   Here's my Camillus made USAAF/USN emergency survival knife issued during WWII.

The roundel in the background was used on USAAF aircraft from 1943-1947. Uh...minus the Blonde Dynamite nose art!

blonde Dynamite is actually  "Fantasy Nose-art" as there is no known WWII aircraft to have used it.  I picked it for that specific reason.  It sort of honors all the fly-boys

I just got this knife today.  It is a Case 6254 SS trapper.  It is one of their Freedom Series of 2004.  There was a total of seven knives in the series.  I now have two of them.

Pretty cool, Charles.

Kershaw Scallion Flag  2010

Kershaw Scallion Flag

Case XX 2012 Tiny Trapper 2nd Cut Red Stag Tom Arrowsmith Shot Shw R52154 SS

Reflections of Old Glory

Case XX 2012 Tiny Trapper 2nd Cut Red Stag Tom Arrowsmith Shot Shw R52154 SS

We are getting some Great photos here!!!  Keep it up

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