Being new to this community I have to thank those who directed me to this group. I have been making knives for almost 40 years. I started out with fixed blades, but have concentrated on lock back folders in the last 20 or so years.

A few moths ago I decided to finally spend some time on the knives I enjoy most, classic slipjoints. I have started a collection of factory pieces, mostly Great Eastern Cutlery examples. I do enjoy some of the vintage pieces as well.

I will also be making some slipjoints for my personal collection, so have to learn some new techniques. I have read some of the contributions here, and know that I will be taking away some very good information. Hopefully I will be able to contribute something as well. I have not modified or repaired too many factory knives, but do have experience with many materials and knife making procedures. Since my knives are made entirely with hand tools (files and sandpaper) may have a few suggestions for those who do not have access to machines.

Attached are a few examples of my work. I will be more than glad to share any and all of my knowledge, though limited to a relatively small section of the craft.







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Well, here we go with my lack of computer skills, attaching photos did not work out well. I better try to figure that one out if I am going to post here. Being a computer idiot can be so frustrating.



Don't worry I got ya!

The pics are easy to embed..above the box your typing in is a set of icons, the second on the left is photos.  Just click it and add :)


Welcome to iKC, my friend! Your work is stunning! And that's an understatement. While I was taking a journey through some of your photographs I came upon one in particular (many actually) that really appealed to me on many levels. It was this one...

I mean, there just are not enough superlatives to describe the beauty of this piece. Would you care to elaborate on some of the various aspects of this knife and the process that went into designing and then constructing such a masterfully gorgeous piece of artistic achievement? I'm curious about the steel you used for that wharncliffe blade. I'm not sure if that's gold or brass(?) and the black lip pearl that you have inset and overlaid upon damascus - OMG! What a stunning effect! And how you have incorporated what I believe to be the lockback into the overall aesthetic of the design. Just an amazing piece of work! Kudos, my friend! If you'll excuse me, now, I need to fetch a towel to mop up my desk and keyboard of all of this drool that has resulted from viewing your work - Welcome aboard, mate!

Thank you for your kind words Ron.

I spend a great deal of time designing, that is sketching knife designs. Every knife starts out with a drawing, full scale, with all the details shaded to show profiles. Some of my sketches sit for years before I use them to actually make the knife. Having the shaded drawings lets me remember the 3-D effects I had in mind at the time. I then work off the drawings to create the knife. The majority of my knives are one of a kind. I do however sometimes repeat a pattern with different inlay treatments. That is the case for this knife pattern.

All the decorative elements are inlayed into the folder frames, approx. 80 thousands deep. Meaning that all the elements, gold , pearl and damascus are fitted to each other. Fitting and sculpting is achieved with die sinkers and needle files. They are used for any sculpting as well. Finishing is done with sandpaper backed with a wide assortment of small sanding sticks.

The inlay cavity is cut by using a small drill press to drill a series of holes establishing the depth. These are then connected with a carbide burr chucked into the same drill press. The burr also provides a flat and even surface on the bottom of the cavity. Then careful filing brings the cavity to it's final outline.

As for my blade steel, I started with 440C many years ago, and that is still use to this day.

All this is really very simple, but does require a considerable amount of patience.


Thank you so much, Wolfe, for your detailed answer to my question. I especially loved it where you said, "All this is really very simple." I had to laugh out loud because what might be considered to be simple by someone who is as gifted with talent to create, like yourself, would be considered to be unbelievably difficult if not impossible by someone like myself. I am in awe of your talent and the beauty that you create! You bring such a wealth of knowledge to this forum. Again, as merely a member myself, please allow me to welcome you and to express my gratitude for your presence. Happy Holidays, my friend!


Amazing work and design. I really like your drawings too, they remind me of renderings we did when I was in college, not your designs but the style of drwaing. Did you happen to study Industrial Design?

Wow, those are great looking knives!

"but does require a considerable amount of patience" you must have patience by the truckload Wolfgang - stunning work!

I would love to see some more pics of your workshop - do you have a web site? 

Kind Regards


A very Heart Felt WELCOME to a Maker who's work I've spent HOURS studying! Hello Wolfe! I have loved your Design Aesthetic since I saw your 1st knife. And someone who has possibly More files than I do ;) I also do most of if not all of my Miniatures with files and sandpaper as well. Again Love your work!



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