I know we're not a superstitious lot- we knife collectors- BUT, has there been a time you felt your knife was your lucky rabbit's foot?

Tags: foot, knife, luck, rabbit's, superstitious

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I don't have one knife that I consider Lucky. But I have been in situation where I'm lucky I'm carrying a Knife.!!
Good subject: There are 1000's of actual stories where knives were used in life saving situations. The military teaches and supplies special purpose knives to its members to use in a survival situations. It is generally part of there check off list prior to embarking on a mission, (don't be caught without one) is the keyword. Without these cutting tools, our kitchen chores would be a fugal exercise in coping with everyday life. I don't intend to go back to caveman days nor you will rarely find me without one in easy reach. Bill noted he was "lucky to have one when he needed it". Well stated Bill.
I have never really thought about a LUCKY Knife,but i guess if you ponder on it all of our knives are lucky. We can use them,buy,sell, give,get,return,repair,make, and all the emotions that goes threw you when you look and hold a knife. So YES I have a LUCKY KNIFE.
i agree with the "don't be caught without one" more than just lucky.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to bust out my Leatherman Squirt for someone else! not even really for myself!

it's so funny...people will be like...i know this is an off the wall question...but does anyone have pliers? I do! or..wire cutter? I DO! or...a screwdriver? I do!!!

i love being the go-to gal!
I wouldn't call any of my knives lucky, but I was really lucky to have my multitool once. One of the other guys at work somehow worked the screw in his glasses loose(the one that holds in the lens), and was going to have to go the rest of the day without his glasses(bad idea working retail). Well, I told him to give me all the parts, I whipped out my wave, pulled out the eyeglass screwdriver, and fixed his glasses right on the spot. Hell made em better then the were(tightened all the screws lol). Might not sound like much, but let me tell you from experience, when you wear glasses, and you have to go a day without them it sucks, A LOT. Major headaches, squinting all day. It's really miserable. So, I guess for him it was lucky I had my multitool. Lol.
Thats funny! people around me don't even ask if anyone has this or that, They just say "Give me your________." I always seem to have everything.
well, my great uncle gave me a old multi-tool right before he died,i carry it everywhere i go
Working at the sailing school in my home town, my endura saved my butt from drowning. I was tossed off the boat by a drunk motor boater's wake and got my foot tangled on the main sheet. While underwater I was able to get at my knife and cut the line free. A similar thing happened to one of my students on another occasion and the endura made an appearance then too. That knife is most definitely my lucky knife.

well.....not one knife is my lucky rabbits foot....but I have take a foot away from a rabbit with y pocket knife!

Just having a knife on me is lucky!

I don't know if this incident means this is a lucky knife or not. I EDC a Case Mini Blackhorn. I don't generally have to do any really heavy cutting, so my little Case handles my normal cutting chores just fine. Anyway I lost it. I bought a Case Caliber to replace it. The Caliber is a very similar knife to the Mini Blackhorn.

Two weeks later I was walking back to my truck after deer hunting. I hunt on a friend's property about five miles from my house. I spotted a knife laying in the grass. I picked it up and it was my Blackhorn! That area had been bush hogged after I lost the knife but the knife was undamaged and had no rust. So the Blackhorn is back in my pocket where it belongs.


Excellent!  I am so glad you found it.  It is like losing an old friend when you lose one you have carried for any length of time.  I would say yes, it qualifies as the lucky knife!


White River Knives

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