I want to encourage everyone who is not a member already to join the NRA.  The NRA is the most powerful voice we have for our Second Amendment rights.  If it weren't for the NRA, we would already have few if any gun rights left.  To keep fighting for our rights the NRA needs two things, money and numbers.  The money is obvious.  It takes a lot of money to fight for us, to lobby in Washington and state governments.  But numbers are important too.  The more members the NRA has, the more powerful its voice is.

The estimates run from 50 to 70 million gun owners in this country.  I am not sure of the exact membership in the NRA but I think it is in the 3 to 4 million range.  That means that over 90 percent of the gun owners are not members.  With many elections in the country now being decided by paper thin margins, up to and including President, every vote is important.  For example the Bush-Gore election was decided by 125 voters in Florida.  In the Kennedy-Nixon election, if one more person in each precinct in Illinois had voted for Nixon instead of Kennedy, Nixon would have won.

If just half the gun owners would join the NRA, we would be by far the most powerful voting bloc.  We could control the elections.  We could ensure that we would never have to worry about losing our Second Amendment rights.  We could get the already passed bad laws removed.  If even one fourth would join that would at least triple NRA membership and make their voice that much more powerful.

The Feinsteins, the Harry Reids, Obama know this.  That is why they hate the NRA.  They know it is the reason that they can't do everything they want.   And don't for a minute believe that they don't want to take your guns.  Diane Feinstein made the statement, "If we could, we would confiscate all guns."  

So the NRA needs you and you need the NRA.  And right now you can join for $10 off the regular membership fee plus get an NRA duffel bag.  Here is the link.


Views: 346

Replies to This Discussion

Charles said:

In the Kennedy-Nixon election, if one more person in each precinct in Illinois had voted for Nixon instead of Kennedy, Nixon would have won. >>

This is an out and out fabrication.  The mayor of Chicago at the time,  Richard J. Daley.  rigged that election so that no mater how many people out side of Chicago voted for Nixon, Kennedy was going to win.  I believe his quote was "You tell me how many votes you need, and I will get them for you.

and then there was Texas. Who knows what shenanigans were going on down there with the LBJ crowd.

You are right Tobias.  There was no way Daley was going to let Nixon carry Illinois.  But if we assume for the moment that it was an honest election (which it wasn't), based on the final number of votes tallied, if one more per precinct had been tallied for Nixon, he would have won.

And going back to the Bush-Gore election.  When I heard that the Democrats had dispatched Daley, Jr. and that Chicago gang to Florida, I didn't think Bush had a chance.  They are the gurus at stealing elections.  The margin was so paper thin.  

They caught Democrat poll workers eating those chads.  All you had to do to void a vote for Bush was punch out the chad for Gore also.  Actually you didn't have to punch it all the way out.  Remember hanging chads?!  And there you have a void vote.  And they caught a Democrat worker with a voting machine in the trunk of her car.  How many votes could she have generated for Gore with that?

If I remember right there were 3 or 4 million votes cast in Florida.  The Democrats kept demanding recounts (but in only the counties that favored Gore.)  The margin between Bush and Gore varied from about 125 to I think about maybe 1200 in the various recounts.  Finally the Supreme Court said enough already, certify the election!  Then the Democrats started screaming about Bush stealing the election.

After it was all over and the dust had settled, some Florida newspapers that favored Gore got together and paid to have all Florida votes recounted.  They were going to show that Gore really had won and should have been President.  Guess what?  Their own recount showed Bush won!

Did you read about the latest NRA contest? It's called the "Banned Guns Raffle". Holy smokes! I never knew such long guns ever existed. I had no idea that the ordinary citizen could own something like that. (Well not every citizen. In CT I could only own three of the offerings. Oh well!)

Now I'm also confused. Five out of the 12 use NATO rounds. Evidently that's allowable but what would you use something like that for? I would say big-game hunting? But they don't look like hunting rifles to me.


I have not seen that one.  This is my all time favorite NRA Contest

Michael, please don't fall into the anti gunners mindset that a gun is evil because to them it looks evil!  All of those guns are used for hunting and target shooting.  And don't let the NATO designation fool you.  That is just one way of designating certain calibers.  The 5.56 x 45 mm NATO is basically just the .223 witch is available in many bolt action rifles.  The 5.56 is the diameter of the bullet in millimeters (mm) or .223 inches.  The 45 is the length of the cartridge case in mm.  That is just a European method of designating cartridges and predates NATO.

The 7.62 x 51 mm NATO is basically just the .308 Win.  The 7.62 is the bullet diameter in mm or .308 inches.  The cartridge case is 51 mm long.  And again the .308 is used in many bolt action hunting and target rifles.  It is an excellent deer round.

And none of those gun are so called "assault rifles."  An assault rifle is full auto and is designed for military use.  All of those rifles are semi auto.  That means they only fire once when you pull the trigger.  The only difference between them and the many semi auto hunting and target rifles available is they look different.  They both fire once each time you pull the trigger.  And they both mostly fire the same cartridges.

And why must a hunting rifle look a certain way?  What is important is its operation.  And they all operate the same way.

Michael D. said:

Did you read about the latest NRA contest? It's called the "Banned Guns Raffle". Holy smokes! I never knew such long guns ever existed. I had no idea that the ordinary citizen could own something like that. (Well not every citizen. In CT I could only own three of the offerings. Oh well!)

Now I'm also confused. Five out of the 12 use NATO rounds. Evidently that's allowable but what would you use something like that for? I would say big-game hunting? But they don't look like hunting rifles to me.


I like that one too Jan.

Jan Carter said:

I have not seen that one.  This is my all time favorite NRA Contest

Life member here. The NRA is a great organization fighting for our freedoms.

Charles, thanks for the clarification concerning bullet calibers. Once you said ".223" & ".308" I had an ah-ha moment. I knew they weren't assault rifles and kinda guessed they were for hunting and exotic paper punching.  Wouldn't they be a bit uncomfortable lugging around for hunting - as compared to a traditional hunting rifle?

I too belong to the NRA but my shooting is relegated to pistols of all calibers and .22 rifles. I have never hunted game.That's why I have a general ignorance of the more "exotic" calibers.Oh, by the way, I don't fall into the mindset you mentioned. I was just puzzled concerning their usage.

I appreciate it also Charles, the NATO piece baffled me

First of all, I'm not one of those anti-gun nuts.  I'm also not much of a hunter.  That said, the .223 Remington  or 5.56X45 mm NATO round are not the same round. In 1997, NATO replaced the .223 Remington with the the SS109 (M855) 5.56 mm round.  The NATO round uses a heavier bullet at a higher velocity.   At that time, the US Military had to make minor changes to the their current production and future stock of weapons firing the new NATO round due to a change in breach pressure. While the chances of a catastrophic failure were nil the new rounds did cause problems with accuracy and mechanical operations due to a change of gas pressure, muzzle velocity, and flight characteristics.

I've been told by many hunters that the .223 Remington as well as the 5.56mm are lousy hunting rounds.  Too big for small game at any range and too small for medium or large game except at insanely close range.  That said, it was developed as a varmint round and adopted by the US military simply because it is an excellent man-stopper in the range that most combat takes places (under 200 meters and most likely between 50-100 meters).

Like it or not, the best of use of a .223 Remington or 5.56X45 NATO is for killing people at relatively close range. If I were looking for a good performing personal defense weapon, I would look at something capable of firing both of these cartridges  accurately.

Also from the Wikipedia:

Although not identical, the 7.62×51mm NATO and the commercial .308 Winchester cartridges are similar enough that they can be loaded into rifles chambered for the other round, but the Winchester .308 cartridges are typically loaded to higher pressures than 7.62x51mm NATO cartridges for use in long-distance hunting of big-game animals. Even though the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI) does not consider it unsafe to fire the commercial round in weapons chambered for the NATO round, there is significant discussion about compatible chamber and muzzle pressures between the two cartridges based on powder loads and wall thicknesses on the military vs. commercial rounds. While the debate goes both ways, the ATF recommends checking the stamping on the barrel; if you're unsure, consult the maker of the firearm

In short, the NATO rounds are slightly different and these differences are done to make the round better suited for combat or use for weapons that were made for the military.   That said, it is the intent of the shooter and not the rifle or the cartridge it uses that determines good and evil.  The variations of the rounds are going to lead to difference in shooting performances.   The same can be said with the numerous .22 LR rounds on the market.


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