as you all may know Steve was the host of KnivesLive for Smoky Mountain Knife Works, and was fired last February after 26 years with the company, the last 7 as part of their broadcast. 6 months later, this past October, KnivesLive unceremoniously went off the air. We had a thread up about it at the time. 

Well, as to the rumor, I have it on very good authority that Steve has embarked on a new venture which is going to see him on the air again - with a web broadcast service called KnivesTV.com. It's not broadcasting yet - but it's expected to be up and running by early March. I hope you all will join me in wishing him well.

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Good news indeed!

Good authority indeed! :) This is fantastic news.

We sure do wish him well! He is a member here and was helping us for a time . he had to get back to selling and we just could not wait to hear his news. He is one good salesman!

Steve Koontz

Mid March probably before I have content..the broadcast will be short and available 24/7 so you can watch as much or as little as you want...

That was from the chat today and I appreciate both of you very much for letting us know!

If you will let us know when your first broadcast is, we can set up an iKC chat party to watch you!  Congrats Steve!

Wishing Him all the best in the NEW undertaking. 

That is some great news. Can't wait ti see Steve on TV again. Love to see knives showed on TV with comments from the host and I couldn't think of a better host.

From the description, this  sounds like a Web only broadcast.  Am I right?

Yes - that is correct - it will be a webcast

Hmmm.... I wonder if Tony "Genuine Staaaaaaaaaaaaag" Watkins, Jay "Dead Mint" Parker or Josh "The Real Deal" Hill will drop by on occasion?


Great news

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