Serious question . . . if you had one knife to defend yourself with when things go bump in the night (not talking about EDC in this post) what knife would it be?  Would you want a Ninja Sword?  A large blade like a Junglas, RTAK II, or maybe a Buck Hoodlum?  I am going to assume that most of us don't have martial arts training in swordsmanship.  Just opening up the conversation, I'd really like to know about all of those knife choices out there.

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I left out the good old Tomahawk or Axe too . . . what do you think?

That is a great question Data. I love my knives and have a few I would chose to defend myself, if the need arose. If I really was picking one to have to save my own life as well as my family, I would certainly chose one that had some length to it. Even though I am not experienced or trained to use one, I would probably chose a Katana of some sort. From my own collection, I would probably chose one that was sent to me from our friend Cesar. It has about a 7 1/2" blade.

I'd go with either a K-bar becker or an Ontario both of which are great knives to defend with.. It's a hard choice.. Maybe I have one of them in one hand and the other one in the other hand.. LOL

Great choice, Leo.. The Sheepdog is a fantastic knife. I have both the spearpoint and the bowie blade..Smooth as a baby's behind!!!!!!!

My choice is this ...
NOTE: Currently out of production .. highly regulated for sale .. illegal for personal carry .. highly collectible !!!


A link to an informative pg for this product.


A second choice would be something like this ...


Since I own a milling machine & have formal training & 27 yr career in Engineering (Electrical was my chosen discipline) .. I've considered fabrication of something similar to "The Defender'. However, I enjoy my freedom ..&.. have therefor not actively pursued said thought process. Nor .. am I likely to !!!

IF .. and that is a huge IF .. I were ever to do so .. it would be for my daughter .. who spends a wonderfully enormous amount of time hiking into & camping in very isolated areas. I would use an inexpensive 22 cal rifled pellet gun barrel as the basis for the 22 cal "blade".


The H&R pic was included more as a bit of humor.



D ale

I can not successfully get the general search results link to transfer


if you are interested in further info on "The Defender"


Use google advanced search


enter "pocket knife revolver" in the "all these words:" space


enter "defender" in the "this exact word or phrase:" space


The resulting search results will provide numerous articles on/of the original item.



D ale

Probably my 8" Randall model 1 but seriously, I would never try to defend myself with a knife unless cornered with nothing else.  I'm much more likely to grab my bedside 45 or the 12 ga pump.  I suppose for something covert I might use the Case V42 replica, the original is much too valuable, but I'm not a double naught spy so I don't do anything covert.

Of the knives I have I guess I would choose my machete.  It would give me a longer reach and is good for hacking.  If it weren't available I guess my next choice would be my Colonial Defiant CE400.

From my own collection?  The Machete or the Colonial T10 Hawk

If I had any option? THE WASP

This weapon injects a freezing cold ball of compressed gas, approximately the size of a basketball, at 800psi nearly instantly. The effects of this injection will drop many of the world's largest land predators.

!!! .. WOW ... agreed .. !!!

I was unaware of said item.

.. appropriate moniker ..

Jan Carter said:

If I had any option? THE WASP

This weapon injects a freezing cold ball of compressed gas, approximately the size of a basketball, at 800psi nearly instantly. The effects of this injection will drop many of the world's largest land predators.

I myself am leaning towards a Cold Steel Trench Hawk or War Hawk but I'm not sure what the difference is between the two.

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