The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
Afternoon folks...I have a question for all of you.
I have noticed, over the last year or two, that the contests we have here at iKC have been dropping in participation and interest. The last couple we have done garnered single digits for folks joining in. So, I have to ask...Why? What is it that makes folks *not* want a free knife or gear? Are the contests too involved? Not creative enough? Are people looking for more modern styles or brands? Too many giveaways? Not enough?
So, I ask you, the members, what kinds of contests tickle your fancy? What do you think would get more participation? We would love to hear from you and get your opinions on how we can make our contests more desirable. iKC is all about our members and your suggestions and content make this site what it is! Let's get some ideas rolling on how to make our site a bit more fun!
Thanks for your input!
The Admin Team.
Hiya Manx
great question. Lots of variable answers. Lets see, ill drop a few comments/questions/ideas here.
Contests are fun when kept direct and simple. Knife trivia, guess what this knife photo is of, answer three of the following questions, etc.
Post a photo to respond to a question, of course knife related.
Provide a one sentence interesting knife related fact. Something engaging is always interesting.
Allow no more than 10 days for the contest start to finish.
Prizes? Knife or knife related always good. Knives, sharpening stones, tactical pens, $$ off certificate, etc.
(That may have been a "duh" idea for prizes)
Just some rambling ideas to get the conversation going!
I have actually won several good knives from here. Time is what I run into since I am out of town for work during the week, in fact time is in short supply for me, so I don't always have time to enter. That being said, I sometimes do not enter to make sure someone else has more of a chance to win some of the goodies. I enjoy reading all the contests posts.. Manx, I am not sure what the answer will be, but the members will come up with some answers, they always step up to the plate on this site. Just my two cents.
You know, I'm not sure. I honestly spend more time on a couple of other forums (BF and USN). Maybe it is commerce. I seem to spend more time there because they have a stronger commercial presence (and I hate that I am writing this). What I do spend time on is Dennis Hibar's Alan Davis blog. So maybe you need to find a niche (or niches) in the knife community that others are not filling, and maybe you need to keep doing what you are doing with more promotion. I do agree that simple giveaways seem to be most effective.
Hi Manx. I just joined the club, so I have not been a part of any giveaways yet. We have a motto in our Lions Tionesta Club..."Keep It Simple" that always seems to work on our projects
Well, first I'll mention that I have no problem signing on to IKC, my PC(s) remember the UN & PW for me plus I have a private file listing the 60 or so other passwords I use for various reasons which is easy to access, (and I am cyber-aware enough to know having my PC remember passwords IS NOT a security issue). I spend most of my forum time here, though I do visit other forums, (AAPK especially). I have left BF for good precisely BECAUSE they are so commercialized, and they practice censorship to such a degree it stifles free and open discussion, at this point you cannot even add a photo to BF without paying Photobucket or some other service for the privilege of doing so, (which in my opinion is WRONG, as wrong as the blatant censorship they practice with such glee).
As to contests I prefer simple contests, it's more inclusive, as opposed to the "scavenger hunt" type which can leave some users in the dust. This latest Christmas contest is a good example of a simple-type of contest, just click the link, leave a username and you're in. Looking around for carved pumpkins or round tuits gets too complicated in my opinion.
I frequent the site often but don't post as much, but that is the case for me regarding all knife websites, not just this one. The main reason I don't enter contests or give-aways here or on other forums is that I have a very select knife collection, and I don't feel like I would enjoy most contest prizes. I would rather another win the knife because they would enjoy it more. Any knife that doesn't fit into my specific collection just gets put in a drawer, or eventually gets sold.
I don't feel right winning a prize, and not enjoying it, or just selling it. It is better off in someone else's hands.
Hi Jack, you should set your pc to remember your login, then its simple to jump onto the site.
Lets keep the comments going but lets stay focused on the contest ideas folks! Thanks
Message received Bryan, sorry for my off topic anti-BF rant, (one of the reasons I kept getting in trouble on BF; I can't NOT say something contrary).
I vote that a variety of knives be offered in contests, though I too have a narrow range of knives I purposely collect, (Buck early 300 Series in my case), but the chance of winning something that I wouldn't normally "collect" is kind of fun, it gives me a chance to see the other side so to speak. The few knives I have already won are knives I probably would not have purchased myself, but I revere them just the same, in fact I prefer to carry them as opposed to my "collectibles". That being said, I would like to see an even split between traditional and modern frames, and how about a contest one of these days with a genuine antique being offered?
Send the link for the contest to me and I will have my web-man place it on My marketing will give it the proper title to intrigued the knife lovers cruising the Internet. We had 22,000 + in the first year of the site going up. Maybe we can gain some ground for iKC membership this way. I am here to help.
Clint you are awesome!
Clint Thompson said:
Send the link for the contest to me and I will have my web-man place it on My marketing will give it the proper title to intrigued the knife lovers cruising the Internet. We had 22,000 + in the first year of the site going up. Maybe we can gain some ground for iKC membership this way. I am here to help.
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