iKnife Collector 2012 Community Knife/We Want Your Opinion On Our Next!

Moving forward in bringing to life the iKnife Collector 2012 Community Knife!!!

So far we are all in the pocket knife camp and we have had some great discussions about style..  Thank you Alexander for putting my thoughts into a language we all speak,

Frame first, then blades, then handle materials then extra's?

So far if I have been listening correctly we are looking at







1/2 congress

dogleg jack

My vote is for the Geppetto whittler.  For those of you unfamiliar with the pattern


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How about more squared bolsters like the recent Executive Congress or whatever it was called, similar to some of S&M's 2005 English Jack (I think it was 2005) and cast the iKC right in the bolsters and cut it into the blades? OK just an idea, I guess that would make it expensive to case special bolsters - but it might be worth it! What about Pond Bone? I do like Ron's ideas about wood scales - how about some of the GEC woods like curly maple or wormy chestnut? They could do a run in whatever they had on hand like CK's recent Farmer Jack SFO (that was done in about a dozen handle materials) and everyone could end up with a different knife making it more unique. OK maybe not everyone but say a half a dozen or more different scale types or something like that. Then when we posted pics of our knives they would not all be the same and it would be fun to see what everyone else got. We would just have to stay away from the expensive handle materials to keep it cheaper and to not have someone who got the fancy handles and others who didn't.

Frame wise I would prefer a #56 Dogleg Jack, a #54 Whittler, a #66 Jack, and we already did the #72 but one in a clip blade would be sweet too.

You did real well, Jan.

the 57 never looked better.

Funny, I've never seen one done as a forum knife since every forum knife (on other forums as well) I've seen was always done as "something special" or "out of the ordinary".

So I think a forum Cattle Baron Stockman with IKC bolsters or such would be very unusual as a forum knife.

Robert Burris said:

A Stockman and a Whittler have been made so many times over the year, that they must out number other style knives three to one. I would stay away from wide type fish also, unless the little sunfish feels like a whale...lol

That's right, that's what I'm trying to say, that if they pick a Whittler or Stockman, it's a special one. Like the Gepptto or the Baron. Try and make our club knife very special.

The Osage Orange wood scales on CK's recent SFO were a big hit. The light colored wood scales are not something that you see everyday on a production knife (except some of the Bark River knives I suppose).

I think everyone has a favorite pattern but what I see coming through all this conversation is what I am hoping also, that this years knife is  "special". In what ever way it takes to accomplish that.

I'd love to see a knife in yellowheart, when polished it has an awesome 3d shine and is a very little used wood in knives.

I vote for a Moose since they are so uncommon, now.

the 570311 look's like the ticket

Jan Carter said:

When do ya'll think we will decide on a pattern and handle?

Mid summer Robert.  I just want to have some info to speak to at the blade show and again at the Great Eastern show.  That way I can get us the best price for what we want and be able to speak to what everyone would like to have this year

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