I'm sure many of the folks here do not watch Cutlery Corner Network. But for those who occasionally tune in have you noticed that show has been devoid of long time pitchman, Tom O'Dell.

There has been no mention of him for a couple weeks or more and numerous guests have been on the show including a member of the Parker family and a Case Representative.

Has there been a slake up in Chattanooga?
Hopefully it's not health issues.

Anyone out there know anything about this?

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Broke another Katana and it didn't stick in his shoulder this time? Just kidding. Hope it is not health related.


I have not been watching it the last couple weeks so did not know.  Let me see if we can find out

Latest photo in their Facebook page shows Frost, Tod and Sheila. No Tom.
Sometimes, I think Tom had a bottle hid somewhere.


Tom O'Dell Retweeted Tom O'Dell

Tom O'Dell added,

Jus like 2 inform every1 who is concerned or wonderin, no I am no longer workin with Cutlery Corner. N no it wasn't by choice. But I'm ok.

Good to know he's okay. I wonder how everything will shake out.
Isn't Shiela Travis related to him in some fashion?
Just heard this on the show. Straight from the mouth of Jim Frost.

I watch the show on occasion and I have not seen him. However the show use to be 2 hours long and now it is only one. I watch on Spike. I have a lot of knives from them.I know some is cheap but in some instances I want cheap.
Just saw the video. Thanks Tobias.

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