I inventoried my knife collection the last few days. I've got a little over 500 knives in the collection ( and about 200 knives that aren't really in the collection).

What I discovered. About 1/6 of the collection is fixed blades. Of the fixed blades at least half of them are knives made for anglers (fish knives) if you include bird and trout knives it goes even higher!

Overall 1/5 of the collection, over 100 knives are fishing knives of some kind. If you include five inch toothpicks the number is closer to 140! I do not consider toothpicks a fish knife.

The most collected single pattern is the 4 blade camp knife or Boy Scout knife. Around 120.

Next in line are Marlin spike knives and toothpicks. Both around 40-45.

As for money spent on a single pattern
1 large toothpicks
2 marlinspikes
3 scout knives

Which brands I have the most of:
1 Rough Rider
2 Victorinox
3 Case

As for the direction that my collection is going
1 fishing related knives
2 issued military fixed blades, particularly bayonets
3 Swiss Army Knives.

I can expect my return on invest to be in the negative column!

What direction is your collection going?

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I agree on the pulls, no reason to make the backspring so tight it risks breaking just trying to get it open

Italian autos.
This is likely next
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So far I have a Ka-Bar 1212.  I thought it looked cool so i got it,  Besides,it's most likely a great deturant for would be burglars. so far I have used it to cut some this paneling (worked awesome) for a project I am working on and i cut up a block of cheese lol.

My Italian was delayed but I got this microtech Otf to hold me over. Wicked piece

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