My dad used to have one of his barlow knives that he picked up from the maker himself at a gun and knife show around the Cincinnati, OH, area back in the 1980's.  I remember that he put it up in a drawer, then later traded it for some parts to a gun he was working on.  I only held the knife twice, but remember seeing crude marks on the blade spring when opening the blade.  Little did I know at the time, but the spring and blade were made from old files.

A few months ago, I came across another MM knife, a large gunstock design.  It didn't appear in the regular spots on the big auction site, so bidding was low.  I picked it up for a price I was happy with.

I would like to eventually add another of his knives to my collection.  However, the frequency at seeing them is rather rare.  In my research, I found that he seemingly made each knife different from the last, so each knife is a one-off design.  I've seen 4 different barlow knives he made, each with a different bolster design.  

These were knives made for the working man, by the working man, out of tools the working man used.  At the moment, this knife is the highlight of my small collection.  

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Like I said, I'd like to eventually locate and add another to my collection, if the price is right.  

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