A knife goes around the world

A few Weeks ago iKnifeCollectors own Josh Wills won a knife. Too cool HuH? We all love a give away and being the winner is awesome. Josh had a generous and wonderful idea that we are going to follow and feature right here. As a matter of fact we would like your help.

Josh suggested turning this knife into a 'traveler'. He had the idea of passing the knife around to people that were interested in using it for a week or so and then sending it on to someone else that wanted to try it out. Along the way, you'd add your name and what part of the world you live in to a slip of paper that stays with the knife so there would be a bit of a diary / travelogue accompanying it.

Here's some basic rules to participate:

1) If you agree to take the knife as an 'adoptee', you agree to post a short note on the forum about where the knife is, how it's used and performed. We'd also REALLY like to see a photo(s).

2) You will also be responsible for paying the postage to send the knife to the next participant.
3) Understand, you'll have to share your contact info with the person shipping the knife to you so if that's a problem, don't sign up.

4) Forward the knife after about a week. We don't want it to end up sitting on someone's desk for a month.

Tags: #62, 62, gec, maverick, traveling maverick

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I like that top picture JJ. It shows off how nice that bone is.


Have you on the list.  Next stop Louisiana and then off to CA (I think).  Hog will be it's last stop before it heads to its European tour LOL

You're right, Craig, the bone is beautiful.

The Maverick recieved it's marching orders, over the weekend.

The Pony Express picked it up today, heading to "Points West".

Hope he doesn't run into any Outlaws!

I look forward to it's arrival. I should start planning her itinerary here. Definitely a photo-op with one of my "square trees". Some time working around the machine shop. Some "Honey-do" list items. Disney sign photo? If I can get it in. Lots of pics for you to choose from.

Glad you had fun with the Maverick J.J. Thanks for the great photos! Looks like Brad has some awesome adventures planned!

I have heard that the little "Maverick" is heading to Louisiana. I will take good care of it but it better get ready for some rough work. We are camping and hunting down here and a knife gets alot of duties. I'll try take some good pictures, while it's here.

The pony express says "be on the lookout tomorrow", Robert.

Hey, JJ. the little fellow arrived today. He's doing fine but I put his butt to work as soon as he got here. We started making some deer jerky  and he did just a fine job slicing that venison just right. Oh, J.J. Thanks so much for the little carved peach pit. I have never seen one carved up close. This weekend the little knife will be on a hunting camping trip and he will have duties from cleaning game to helping cook supper. We will see how its butt works out with all the camping duties that's expected of my normal much larger folding knife. I will admit right now that he hanging tough and I'm sure he will do a good job this weekend. Here are some pictures of his duties so far.


J.J. Smith III said:

The pony express says "be on the lookout tomorrow", Robert.

I miss the "little fellow", Robert.  LOL

When he leaves Louisiana he will head to California!

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