Hi all new to the boards so please disregard my newbeeness... I recently acquired a pretty neat collection and among it was a Khyber Bowie Knife... yea the one that Indiana Jones used.  I searched and could only find the knives with Indiana Jones plastered all over it.  Mine is the exact blade but has none of the Marketing..... On one side it is Khyber Bowie and the other is 17 BK1408 Stainless Steel, Handcrafted in China... Cheap aftermarket or predates the Indiana Jones.....

Any comments are welcome



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Do you have any pictures to post Rob?

hope this works....

I think the pic came through?

Looks fine Robert! Lets see if we can find out where it might be from or at least who may have sold it/

I bought it from a tenant in a building I look after..... He got it as a gift.... (I bought his whole collection) the rest of the stuff is straight forward, this one puzzles me....

I thought this looked familiar. It was carried by BUDK company. Another catalog retailer. I have attached the link for you to see the listing. The listing says it is no longer available. http://www.budk.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=162467   Hope this helps you Rob. 

Yea I saw that also..... thank you for your efforts.....


Wait, what movie did Indiana Jones, use this knife? I am at a lost. Good luck Rob, with your purchase of knives.

From the picture shown it appears it is "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" The pic is from the scene where Indy is trapped on the infamous rope bridge crossing a river filled with crocodiles far below. Realizing his situation Indy hacks at the rope to take out the bridge and as many of the Thugee as possible with him. Being the movie is supposed to take place in India would give legitimacy (in the movies?? are you serious?) to the name Khyber Bowie referring to the famous Khyber Pass.
Robert Burris said:

Wait, what movie did Indiana Jones, use this knife? I am at a lost. Good luck Rob, with your purchase of knives.

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